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WORST Munchie Food

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokeStoopid, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Goooooo

  2. everything tastes SOOO good when high I would eat anything
  3. /thread
  4. taco bell, tastes gross
  5. I only eat delicious food when high, sorry.
  6. Butterscotch hard candies.
  7. i eat broccoli stoned...:mad:
  8. anything my school's dining hall serves...
  9. Pretzels
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  10. I was outside in the garage smoking a blunt, came inside to find my now ex, making a peanut butter & tortilla burrito. I looked at her saying wtf are you doing? I've never seen this done before, so she gives me a bite.

    Fuck that shit. Dry mouth + peanut butter & bread, or tortilla... is a no no. Spent about 10 minutes trying to chew it and ended up spitting it out anyway cause I found some donuts.
  11. The worst is when you have nothing you can really eat, just a bunch of generic ingredients that don't amount to much. You have to start thinking up not so great combinations or actually attempt to cook something.
  12. Shit? Shit that's on fire?
  13. What the fuck? You're joking. You.Are.Joking. Yes you are.
  14. Bare with me here, I didn't have much food so I combined a mixture of now once again bare with me

    A bagel with cream cheese(pretty normal but not enough to satisfy my hunger so I kept going)
    Strawberry poptarts
    and chocolate syrup. All that went on a the bagel, the moment I bit the first bite I lost all of feeling of hunger cause it was that disgusting.
  15. worst munchie food? shit and corn cobs.

    Hershey's cookies and cream bars are the best things to eat while stoned, imo.
  16. Howie Mandell.
  17. i dare you to eat a handful pretzels without something to drink, while being high as fuck.
  18. peanut butter...anything that gets stuck in your throat

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