So this morning started like any other. I got up and got ready for work. Just before I'm heading out the door, my husband calls from his work to tell me the cell phones have been shut off. Damn I don't have money to pay it until Wednesday. We have to deal. I walk out of my house and start walking to the driveway and I stop short when I look up and my truck is not there! I was behind on my bill, but I was going to be able to catch up on Wednesday when my husband gets paid. Just my fucking luck that all this shit happens on the same day! Just had to rant...
So they repo'd your truck? That sucks, fuck contract cell phones. You can get a 150$ android touchscreen at walmart and pay like 50$ a month for unlimited everything. Or get a 20$ flip phone and pay 50$ a month for unlimited everything. no bills, you just load a prepaid card at the store and then activate it on your phone. sooo easy and cheaper. My friend the other day was telling me he's gonna end up paying nearly 2 grand for a 2 year verizon contract thing. that's fucking insane, i'll pay 1/4 of that rofl. Who knows, go down to the repo office and if u see a jacked bald dude just be like AWW SHIT ***** I'M ON REPO GAMES. Study before you go to make sure you answer 3/5 questions right and you get your truck back, fully paid off. lol
This section alone made me lol so hard because it sounds like something one of my friends would say. SAVVY IZ DAT U?
Haha...I just saw an episode of this show where this hillbilly couple had to answer the questions. The man was a total douche, refusing to even attempt answering any of the questions. His wife answered every single one, which he kept saying she was going to be wrong. That show although staged is funny! As for OP, handle your priorities accordingly. Just's only the start of a new week.
No I don't have weed either, so ha! Its just been tough financially for a while now. We've scraping by and now it all caught up at once...
Where abouts in RI are you from OP? Stuffs been tough here for a little while too "Times is rough and tough like leather"