Worst Killer of All Time

Discussion in 'General' started by StickyIckyWeed, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. I saw this picture and it was very interesting. It's true, yet not hated upon as it should. Don't get me wrong I drink it from time to time and I enjoy it. But still very bad. Discuss.

  2. lol part of that is the lyrics to prince of darkness by megadeth
  3. I was expecting it to say tobacco, but yeah, I see where its coming from...
  4. Makes me want to drink more.
  5. Alcohol will be around forever. People just abuse it
  6. Alcohol doesn't kill people. People who don't know what moderation means kills people.
  7. Sure, let us put blame on a substance with no conscious - no ability to choose how it effects people.

    Why not blame those who abuse it? They have a choice.

  8. I totally agree with you. A friend sent me that picture and I told him that alcohol ain't that bad if you don't drink too much too often. I love alcohol. I love being drunk. I love sitting in the sun and chilling with Corona or good beer. But I'm always on edge about it since my father is an alcoholic. He drinks beer like it's red wine or beer. I don't wanna end up like that so I try and not get wasted each weekend.
  9. yea, the bottom of it could say "I am Irresponsibility" and it would be more correct haha.... the number 1 cause of unnatural deaths, is definitely being irresponsible whether your using a gun, drinking, smoking cigs, doing hard drugs, eating too much unhealthy food.... generally.... you wont die, unless something completely unusual happens... or your irresponsible as hell

    I consider shooting people and killing them, irresponsible in this sense so guns can apply as well.... there are a whole list of ways they could kill you being responsible too... but yea...
  10. what a load of shit. i knew it was alcohol as soon as it got to the accidents part.

    alcohol doesn't deserve hate, not at all. "i give nothing and take all" "i am your worst enemy" god some people are so fucking ignorant it pains me.
  11. [​IMG]

  12. I used to hate alcohol too. I only smoked weed and nothing else. But now I enjoy drinking just as much (though I don't drink as much as I toke). Sure, alcohol can be a dangerous drug, especially considering how many college kids just drink until they blackout. Alcohol can be a lot of fun if you pace it out. I love getting tipsy and just drinking a mixed drink every hour or so.
  13. alcohol does indeed kill people.
  14. Just like how forks cause obesity.
  15. alcohol make me exciting

  16. no, in the same way food causes obesity.
  17. "destroyed more men than all the wars of all the nations" "wrecked more homes than all the floods, tornadoes and hurricanes put together"

    Sounds like bullshit to me....I'd like to see some numbers

    "I give nothing and take all"

    Hell no...alcohol gives good times, people wouldn't drink it if they didn't enjoy themselves doing it lol

    "I am your worst enemy"

    Nah I'd be a drunk before I wanted to get herpes or aids ..... I think those are worse enemies tbh
  18. Instead of another simile, how about a story...

    I am an alcoholic. There are no two ways about it, I have a serious drinking problem, and my drink of choice is beer. Not once during my drinking career has a beer opened itself, made its way into my hand, and eventually into my stomach. Those things happened because I wanted them to.

    Every time I drank it was my own decision.

    Alcohol has never debated with me, argued with me, or ordered me to do anything. My concsious decisions caused my current habits, and I fully understand that. A nonsentient chemical had little to no influence in my decisions.
  19. yes it did, because it caused your addiction. you just succumbed to it, eventually you learn not to.

    its not the lack of moderation, its the substance being abused. lack of moderation isnt why, its how. its how alcohol kills, and the reason they're dead is because of alcohol.
  20. that pic was done by moralsfags

    moderation is the key

    negative propaganda like this only makes people abuse more

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