worried for my friend

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tetrahydra, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. he left a status saying that A UPS guy came up to their apartment door leading with "police department" WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! hes a really good friend too, been friends with him since middle school. worried for alot of them, because a few of the people in my "crew" since middle school lived/could have been there also.

    oh nos :(
  2. Hmm, I think you should phone him and ask him whats up and how's he doing.
  3. I hope hes ok. I got a friend that im pretty worried about 2. He has a disobedient disorder and his legal gaurdians keep switching because he keeps lying and disobeying them.:cry:

  4. dude this story sucks. It barely makes sense. go get some more details and then bother making a thread about it.

    Here are a few things you may consider including:
    1. was it a UPS guy or a cop?
    2. if it was a cop why was he disguised as a UPS man?
    3. What happened next?
    4. have you tried contacting this friend or one of his roommates that are in your "crew"? if you have been doing so and have gotten no response, then maybe this story could pass the "does stoopid toker think my story is worthy of the interwebs" test, but that would also require an edit and a few clarifications.

    thank you sir, have a nice day.
  5. Yeah... I don't get the story. Good luck to your friend though!

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