Worms in my plants

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Tim Dog, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. :cry:
    That nasty bug put couple of holes in my plants like month ago
    but this time is hitting big time:
    I got like 25 in couple of days!! Nods, stems, buds, everywhere!

    I teared apart one nod :[​IMG]

    Last year, 3/4 of the buds of one of my plants were eaten by this ~!@#$%^&*() worm.
    Could I do something to get the creatures the f. out of my plants?

    I've sprayed all my plants.with tobacco tea hoping to prevent further attacks.

    man, im pissed off with these worms [​IMG]

    Somebody knows what the hell is this?
    what kind of fly could nest in a plant [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I plan to kill these f..kers whit a pin :)
    what to you think, is it bad idea?
    i'll make some minor wounds, but i will prevent the worm from eating my crop from the inside.
    i'm concerned with the decaying of the dead body

    Any help appreciated!
  2. Hey Tim,
    Welcome to the City. Your plant in picture 3 is a male. Males are worthless for smoking. Try the tobacco stuff; it kills a lot of pests. Hopefully it works.
  3. cant tell what bug it is, but the black stuff can you pull it off and squeeze it? try breaking it open to see if theres something inside like a white root or somehing like a bug

    can you take a better picture of the bug thats not so blurry?

    hope you dont have whats called dodder......
  4. im having this problem as well... if you scrape the brown part off its a hole, and then of course the worm killing that branch. i heard they were caterpillars or some type of larvae... i also heard you can inject thuricide into the stem and it will kill it, but im afraid to try..

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