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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Kronik352, Aug 30, 2019.

  1. Hey yall....I have this white widow auto....and I dont know if I should do the LITFA as BNW says :p

    Or if I should take more leaves off and more popcorn....suggestions please!!

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  2. Looks like a auto ? If so let ride .
  3. Looks like a auto ? If so let ride .
  4.'s an from first one I harvested at day 83ish....
  5. Y trim ? Looks spaced out for enough light penetration
  6. I have seen people trim the :poop: outta autos....."lollipopping" style....with GREAT results.................I didn't know if I should leave it be or take more
  7. No, That plant needs nothing but a patient loupe operator.
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  8. Thank you for your input..........that's what I was thinking too......I was just curious
  9. Lollipop is out of the question by now . You did good . Let her finish and smoke her ass
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  10. no reason to do anything at this stage .
  11. Thanks for the input man

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