Worlds Smallest Horse WTF

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by charcharz, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. its just a pinata.
  2. omg, where can i get one?!
  3. LOL midgets are just as funny no matter what species of animal
  4. at least it's cuter than placentophagia
  5. That is some trippy stuff lol.
  6. they fucken created a horse with down syndrome.. :confused:
  7. I would probably die laughing seeing that tiny horse galloping. :smoking:lol
  8. You wanna see my migit teddy bear hamster:)
  9. hahaha it's so cute!
  10. I'd be laughing with you. That would be hilarious.
  11. heh? wtf is that red shit on it? is it lava leaking through its skin? :confused:
    it looks like a horse from hell!!

  12. thats a derp derp horse
  13. Whole new meaning to miniature ponies.
  14. LOL. This.
  15. r5r6ty nsdfgedrt
  16. [​IMG]

  17. ugh. 5 characters

  18. ...Why "ugh"?

  19. bfjsdgfjh4rt

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