World Of Warcraft Reffer a Friend Partner

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by sevmeatok, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. anyone interested in starting a new account to level up together with the 3x exp bonus
    horde is preferred
    im also an og professional botter so we could level really fast if you like ;p
  2. I used to glide, had a few 70s.. tier 5 back in the day when it was 1337,

    What's this refer a friend deal your talking about?
    and this 3x exp bonus?
    and what the hell is an og professional botter?
  3. alright well when you refer a friend your accounts are linked for 90 days giving you 3 x exp whenever both of us quest or grind together, theres also an ability to summon your linked homeboy to you every hour and some other good stuff like the free month after your linked buddy pays for a month and a zebra mount after two months are payed for ummm thats about it i can think of right now

    oh and I use to botbotbotbotbot for a company hahaha supposive "hand leveling" silly Chinese buisnessmen

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