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Workin out after puffin...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by gorgeousma, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. Anyone else do this? I am a TaeBo addict and something about me bein up in the clouds that makes my workout so much better :0)

    Only downfall is after workout munchies
  2. I do serious cycling and weight lifting after smoking. I notice a %10 powerloss but who cares, if you are not in the race season :D I say go for it, it is really fun :) (ofcourse if you love working out - this is not for everyone! )
  3. i work out better when stoned:smoke:
  4. Woohoo so glad I'm not alone :0)
  5. I always smoked after. I might give a pre-workout smoke a try though.
  6. I cant smoke before weight lifting, but i like to smoke before grappling, wrestling, swimming, and plyometrics.

    I feel less motivated and focused when i'm lifting weights if i'm high. After workout sesh's i love though.
  7. I love to workout when i'm stoned. But also I smoke so much weed its stranger being sober than being high. I function much better stoned.
  8. Being an avid weight litter at 200lbs lean and working out 5 days a week every week of heavy lifting and doing my first bodybuilding show this year id like to voice my opinion that working out high doesn't work for me...especially since your cardio drops when high and as said above your strength.... If your trying to get stronger and or bigger/lean then loosing strength and not being able too fully beast mode heavy breathing and shit then smoking isn't a good idea during...and being Your blood pressure is raised while high AND when you workout its really bad health wise to do both at the same time...but a nice long toke session after a workout and shower is amazing haha.
  9. I love working out high I turn into a machine when I do this! My problem with it is I destroy my body It's not even soreness the next day it's straight up pain!!
  10. I'd rather blaze After working out.
    Then again- I don't work out so wtf do I know:confused_2:
  11. I personally dont like lifting while high, but i do love getting baked after a solid sesh and eating a huge meal ;)
  12. Getting high usually saps my strength, besides I'd rather chill out after my training sesh than before. And since Im currently in a bulking phase, the munchies make the brocolli and veggies taste better :p
  13. [quote name='"Flownder"']Getting high usually saps my strength, besides I'd rather chill out after my training sesh than before. And since Im currently in a bulking phase, the munchies make the brocolli and veggies taste better :p[/quote]

    Straight up this guy knows what's up. Im currently still in bulk phase hopefully i can start cutting soon.
  14. I love biking after I smoke because my muscle don't feel like they get tired so I can ride forever.
  15. I can smoke before lifting weights and It makes me focus way more. I cant smoke and run though. I just get tired a lot faster and kinda lose the desire to push myself.

    Just depends for me really.
  16. When I work out stoned I feel like I suddenly gained 50lbs and lost a lung. I'll stay sober for my runs thank you. ;)
  17. Thats what UFC fighters do.
  18. my nightly routine :smoking:

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