I've been workin on somethin.... uploads comin in the next few weeks for those that keep up with my grows I can tell you the Breeder and Strains all from TH seeds MK ULTRA and VANILLA SUNDAE I also decided to go with a blend of happy frog and ffoh figured I'd see if they would benefit from the mycorrhizal from happy frog and the nutes already present in the ffoh I can also tell you that while I aim for 4 and germinated like 12 seedlings only 3 survived I will have to go with this GC been acting crazy with uploading photos and the veg stage is boring but for those that want videos to see I have a small YouTube channel DLGGROW follow and subscribe or not its all love Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I find the veg stage to be very interesting, as a large chunk of plant training/shaping takes place during veg. One could argue that veg stage is much more important than flower, as how well you train the plants during veg determines in part how good the yield will be.
Lol I find them to both to be important tho can't have a flowering plant without veg but there's nothing useful in veg either Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Well I mean far as getting high with I mean lol Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
are you kidding only 3 survived? man you have either horrible luck or you are making mistakes i had 100% success this time 11 out of 11 even with three plants you can get a big harvest but you need to top and train this time maybe use bigger pots too
just checked your youtube TOP THEM PLANTS NOW!!! dont be afraid just do it before you end up regrettting having christmas trees again they look healthy and ready to go
The five gallon pots gave me good results minus the problems I'm having I do have 7 gallon pots tho Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
have you seen the movie groundhog day? same thing happens over and over i wish you the best of luck sure would like to see your tent full 1 day
Thanks and these 3 might fill out lol we will see I think I know what I'm doing wrong with germination I use to much water on the paper towels that I use Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
i have been using small tupperware with paper towels and keeping them just moist and on a heatmat but you need to check them several times a day i just had 4 more sprout no problem i think warmth is the key and you can easily fill that tent with 3 if you start topping and training ASAP just pinch off the tops every minute you waste is time wasted
That also might be the problem it's cold where I germinate Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They look like they doing just that but will I yield alot Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Photo of my photos they will be entering week 5 veg tm I did recently top them they are coming along quite well so I don't know if it was genetics or the half half blend I did on the soil but these girls are bigger then my last grow around this time on veg Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
looking good mine are about the same age and my leaves are starting to get huge too try doing a little training and open them up a bit those huge leaves cover all the sites up