Woowoo it's payday!

Discussion in 'General' started by barfdog17, May 27, 2009.

  1. Who else is gettin paid today?

    I'm about to get me some druuuugs :yummy: there's a rave at my school on Thursday so I think I'm about to grab some mushrooms and maybe a hit or 2 of molly, it's gonna be a fucking blast.

    maybe some tree for the next day...
  2. Not until Friday for me.

    Good news is, all of my bills are paid for the month, so all I will have to pay on this check is my share of rent for next month. I could splurge if I wanted to, but I'll prolly end up saving most of it.
  3. yeah I feel that, I gotta save some cash to pay for traffic school, fuck that noise

    luckily my paycheck after this one is going to be considerably fatter, right in time for finals to start, woo :rolleyes: at least my dealer will hook it up with the adderal or ritalin before I get paid 'cause he knows I'm always good for the $$
  4. Dudee, do up some acid too...
  5. wish i had a damn job. no one is hiring around here
  6. i wish i could get my hands on acid that fast but the boombooms are way easier for me to come by, I can get QPs in under an hour.

    And boobs, before I got this job I had sent out 40 other applications with 1 other interview and only a few responses saying the spots had been filled. Wtf I even applied at Chipotle 30 minutes after I saw their online hiring ad and didn't even get a call back.
  7. Damn, I'm only at about 20 so far. hahaha isn't it fucking crazy how fast shit fills up? I saw something like your Chipotle deal. Some concrete job went up in the morning and I went to check it out, only 20 guys beat me to it. No applications left.

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