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Woodstock '69

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Olemiss140, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I've studied so much about it and man i'm totally obsessed with it. Too bad I wasn't born yet :( Did anyone go to woodstock? Please, share you stories lol
  2. Screw Woodstock, maybe 5 bands that performed there became famous, half of the already famous bands declined the invitation to perform. Also they despised our soldiers, and did such things as disrespect them and spit on them when they returned home from Vietnam.
  3. Did you just say that *a concert* walked up to returning soldiers and spit on them?

    Don't get me wrong, troops need a proper welcome home, and it's wrong to spit on ANYBODY, but...I don't think concerts can wander around and spit...
  4. I'm saying the same people who attended Woodstock trashed our soldiers, meaning Woodstock was really an overrated event, it was a bunch of mediocre bands that met in some guys farm and word spread and it one day of it was freaking rained out to begin with. People just say it was sweet because they smoked a lot of weed there, as it was in the middle of acres of fields on private property.
  5. So... you were there?

  6. wow, that is just wrong...list of famous artists that performed at woodstock Joan Baez; The Band; Joe Cocker; Country Joe & Fish; Creedence Clearwater Revival; Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; Grateful Dead; Arlo Guthrie; Jimi Hendrix; Jefferson Airplane; Santana; The Who

    and your other statement doesn't even make sense and is quite a generalization saying that everybody at woodstock despised the troops... ignorant much?
  7. essentially asking if anyone here is 55 or older

    either way i'm pretty sure the answer is no

    but yeah it's one of the historical events that would be tops on my list to visit if i had a time machine
  8. woah forgot about this. and no one answered my question haha. so, bumpppp

  9. i dont know what the topic of this is it went from woodstock to retirment homes for troops
  10. The history channel touchy me allot about this event. And yes I wish I went
  11. It would of been a hell of an experience.

    I wish I could see Hendrix playing live. :D
  12. ive talked to ppl who were at it, dont remember everything they said cause i was pretty messed up at the time. but it was definitely one hell of a time
  13. It was really tough for me not to give you neg rep but if thats your opinion alright. Its just the exact typical stupid fucking anti-"hippie" type bullshit you hear from people against weed. I can't even believe you smoke weed believing that. Whatever, maybe your under 18, whatever the case I don't think you know much about the 60's.
  14. Screw woodstock, history is about to be made with Coachella 2010
  15. I think Mitchy was there, you should ask him about it.
  16. How else would they have gotten the weed? I heard Mitchy grew every last bud of it and was handing it out for free.

  17. Do you have any idea why those people "trashed" our soldiers?
    You should study up on the Vietnam War. Find out what those soldiers did, and why the veterans don't get respect in our society today.
  18. The dude that got his ass whooped like 4 times in a row?
  19. i would give my left nut to go back in time and go to woodstock. unfortunately, i was born too late.:(
  20. Haha, Mitchy is turning into a Grasscity meme. He's just so ridiculous

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