Woodshop stoner ideas

Discussion in 'General' started by karlyle, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Hey i just got into a woodshop class cause it seemed pretty chill, not too hard, and im trying to see what my fellow stoners in woodshop made that were cool, like boxes with hiding places, or just cool shit. anyway dont stop smoking.
  2. use your imagination to make something great...

    but don't be stupid and get caught trying to make a pipe in woodshop or some shit like that
  3. Woodshop is for wimps. Join welding:p
  4. I got a dremel for xmas so I've been brainstorming ideas as well. A few:

    A crazy ass hourglass
    Custom picture frames
    Cigar Boxes
    Lighter holders
  5. Just make a fuckin stash box with compartments for things like your lighter, scale, scissors, papers...I dunno what you keep in your box. And maybe do some crazy designs on it or something if that's possible.
  6. I loved welding. I made so much useful shit in that class. I always had access to all the tools and a welder before, but getting grades for playing around in the shop is a lot more fun :D

  7. yeah this is a good idea, just make a cool little box or something if you dont have like an assigned project. Or you could make a sick ass coffee table or something like that and then just draw all over it when your stoned.
  8. Fuck woodshop and welding. Auto mechanics is where it's at. You get to weld in that class and work on engines. Fucking A. :metal:

    Made myself a stash spot in a 4 cylinder engine by disabling one cylinder and closing it off from the rest of the engine functions. Just remove the piston and weld the cylinder off at the bottom, Remove a section of the camshaft and valves and seal it off, modifying the valve cover and engine head to become a lid that can be opened and closed at any time to get your stash. Cops never expect it.:devious:

    Planning on modifying it further to make it into an engine bong. Because the engine gets so hot, it's only a matter of time before your stash gets burned to shit, so usually I would have to limit my driving to half hour bursts at the longest. By disabling the fuel line to the cylinder (which is already done, of course), and rerouting a supercharger (not to be confused with a turbocharger) directly to the cylinder's intake port with a manual power switch for smoke control, you can easily attach a tube to the exhaust port and route it into the cab of your car. Hit the switch and get blazed with the shotgun-like rush from the supercharger and burning weed inside your engine.

    Rock on, blades. :metal:
  9. ^Sounds sketchy as hell but GL.
  10. That's fucking epic.
  11. I recommend not cutting anything while you're trippin.
  12. I actually made myself a really nice wooden one-hitter last year in shop. It doesn't take too long and it's easy to get away with if the teacher's somewhere else or if you're already supposed to be using the machines.
  13. I dropped woodwork in 5 days..So damn boring and my teacher was dumb and lazy (from gr.7 to 10) I had 2 wood work teachers in 2 different school they both sucked!

    But suggestions..Bong case, Bowl holders (you can say alot of shit to cover this one), Stash case, joint tray and etc

    So much shit.

    Welding is more fun but wood is cleaner and nicer if you know how to work with it and its alot harder then metal. (depending)
  14. Make some cool boxes, sand to perfection, paint a marijuana leave add a signature and sell.

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