woods grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by happybuddah45, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. ok well at the end of my street i have this woody area with a lot of room in it.

    but its not like sun just shines in one spot because there are some big pine trees back there that block some of the light would my weed still grow in the summer if the light wasnt on the plants at all times

    like the sun moves through the trees

    if you didnt understand what i typed just tell me and i will clarify
  2. i take it you wanna grow reefer in these woods....pot plants will grow wherever you plant them. however, in woods with tall stands of pine (im guessing white pines of some kind) the plants lower to the ground will not get very much light. so they will stretch like crazy and the buds will be sparse and airy, not dense and compact. but they will grow and they should yield at least something.
  3. ok cool

    see this is just a lil summer project i will be doing and i have no intent to sell really maybe just to friends and i will just toke it
  4. if its the only patch of woods around ur rea and it seems pretty cleared out thats probably a sign of the local kids goin back thre to smoke cigarettes and what not that kids do, So watch out for that.
  5. Watch out for deer though cuz deer will eat your plants.
  6. you my man know your shit lol thats pretty much what it is but noone goes back there anymore and its big enough so that you could hide them and if kids were to go back there they are probably too dumb to know what it is

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