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Wooden bubbler/bowl?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Soccerguy420, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I picked up a new bubbler for 15 bucks. It has a wooden bowl with a metal downstem (its a slider), a wooden egg shape to hold the water, a glass tube that goes up to the metal mouthpiece. So basically i have two questions.

    Its a wooden bowl, would wood be bad to burn? As in health concerns with carcinogens.

    Also, I'm trying to think of ways to clean it. It seems like it could get filled with resin quickly.

    I'll probably post up pictures later

    Thanks :D
  2. i have several wooden bowls, theyre perfectly fine, and they kinnda flavor the smoke all woody. i just clean mine with a christmas tree brush.
  3. i don't think it would be harmful at all, i mean it is made to smoke out of right?

    but i prefer glass pieces, i can get a nice glass bowl for 20 dollars off a glass blower i know
  4. wood bowls isnt unhealthy to smoke, think about it, whenever you smoke a peice of a stem, even a little peice thats wood and you dont even burn but the outer layer of the bowl and usually its got sum protective coating on it
  5. k thanks. what about cleaning it? i cant really get into it by either the mouthpiece or where the downstem goes because both are thin in diameter and metal
  6. Well to clean glass pipes you put it inside a plastic ziploc bag (2 of them to be safe) along with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol) and you can also add salt if you want. Then shake it up for a while, and it's clean. (This is if it's not incredibly dirty.)
  7. I've had a few wooden pieces. I like them. I like glass way better but I also like that wood makes the smoke less harsh.

  8. 12345
  9. If it's a slider, wouldn't that make it a bong and not a bubbler?
  10. i guess but its really small and just feels like a bubbler in my head. i guess tho. im trying to name it too maybe thatll be a factor

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