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wood pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lil leg, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. so i just took a hanger rager beam idk what kind of wood looks like the same wood in a 2 by 4
    any way i made a pipe is it safe to use
  2. Don't know...try it out and if you don't burn yourself alive tell us how it worked out for you.
  3. Post a picture and I will tell you if I think it's safe. Also if you are that desperate use an apple or a can until you can afford papers, swishers, or an actual pipe.
  4. I would make an apple pipe if I were your just to be safe. 2x4's are treated with a lot of chemicals and such including arsenic so I'd personally be wary of smoking out of a pipe made out of one. Some natural hardwood though would be fine, but otherwise i think an apple would be safer.
  5. Your going to get a fowl taste from a wood pipe. I recommend going to your local head shop and buying a pipe...even if its metal. Its really not worth it messing around with ghetto homeades.

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