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Wood chips in bowl

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mary Jane Wanna, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I have some tiny wood chips mixed in with my bowl from when I scraped it out of the dugout. Will it kill me if I smoke this bowl?
  2. You should be good, normally dugouts are made out of woods that are untreated, and chemical free. So it might be a little harsher than normal (Wood burns hotter than plant), but that should be about it. I've been in that situation before too and saw no real problem.
  3. yeah i wouldnt worry. ive probably smoked much worse without knowing it (butane) also once at a bonfire we saw a bug crawl from the bong bowl seconds before smoking. very gross.
  4. Why would it kill you? It's probably not the best for you, but it won't be any worse than breathing in a little smoke from a campfire or something.

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