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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cincle38, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. My dealer said that he had some wonderwoman og in and he sellin for 20 a gram. Have you ever heard of this bud and if you have how is it. Is this a good deal
  2. Don't ever buy weed because of the name mang. It's easy to lie. Sounds way too expensive to me. That's how much hash is in these parts.
  3. well some places have a set price a 20 a gram for dank. depends where OP lives. do you have pics of it?
  4. I hate names, i totally ignore names from my dealer. Just check it out, if its dank, scoop it up
    if not, piss in his fish tank and tell him you need the goods.

  5. Na I didnt buy it yet but I should have it by tomorrow den I'll put pics up

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