Women Are Holding Feminism Back

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by SoulessStoner, May 5, 2012.

  1. I think the biggest enemy to Feminism is women, and no I'm not talking about the women that support what feminism stands for.

    There are too many women in this country that still expect to be treated with more respect than anyone else just because they have a vagina. Too many women still expect me to hold the door for them because they are a woman and I am a man. I don't have a problem with Chivalry, but you don't get to have it both ways, ladies.

    Then there are the whores that hide behind the label of feminism to bash men and do whatever the fuck they want. These are the women that say they are repulsed by promiscuous men because "all they do is objectify women" while they're out fucking any loser with a pulse while living by the motto "I am woman hear me roar." These women generally believe women are superior to men and should be treated as such.

    In my opinion, the latter group is the biggest hindrance of feminism in modern terms. Many people, myself included, find it very difficult to respect the feminist movement for the reasons above.

    Inb4 I get called a sexist pig: I would consider myself a feminist. I believe in treating everyone equally regardless of their gender. These are just observations I have noticed and have seen other people mention in the past.

  2. It doesn't matter if its the support of women, mexicans, homosexuals, or any other individual group... To me that type of approach is rather ironic. Why not focus on everyone? Men, women, children, the poor... Save humanity!
  3. I dont have much to say on the subject.


    If woman want to be treated "equally" than that goes for everything not just what they pick an choose.

    If a random girl slaps me on the street and we are both equal than im going to smack her ass back. I dont believe in hitting woman, But lately (2000's) some woman have been getting more and more self entiltled. Ive seen guys hit for the stupidest things and they just stand there. But if the same thing happened between 2 men it would be a fight.

  4. Violence is another issue feminist groups are hypocritical on. I don't hear too many of them rallying in support of the men that are too ashamed of being subjected to abuse to come forward. They only want to talk about the most horrific cases of male-on-female domestic abuse.
  5. Equal rights = equal beatings!
  6. things will never be equal. never ever.
  7. Exactlyyyyy!
  8. I'll believe in equality when I can hit a girl that can hit me without being branded a "woman-hitter" or some shit like that.

    They don't REALLY want equality.
  9. Ive never even hit my wife or a girl but this exactly. And man that stops his wife from hitting him is a woman beater. Now of COURSE theres are men that beat the shit out of there women for no reason. This is dispicable and if i could get my hands on every last one of them i would.

  10. I hope nothing I say gets taken the wrong way in this thread. I'd never EVER hit a female unless they lay their hand on me. The fact i'd hit a guy first and only hit a girl if she hit me is still showing a LOT of respect to women, and they should actually see that from our POV.

    Feminism has become a pathetic joke, and I couldn't care less for womens rights. I am a pretty liberal person and I hate any type of inequality, but not this one, nope.
  11. #11 Rotties4Ever, May 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2012
    fact is women are more emotionally driven then men. that is science.
    fact is women judges tend to reward custody battles to women and tend to overlook quite a bit of information.

    when i see more women judges rule with law and not emotion, "he must be pig and doesnt pay child support, what an asshole"
    it can never be
    "shes a cold, gold digging bitch that took his kid away from him and wants money, and doesnt even want the child having a father because she hates the fathers guts"

    ^this last part really pisses me off, because in cases like these women need to understand that the beef you have between your man, is just that beef between your man, why is it always the woman is fit to raise the kids and the man is not, and its always the woman who says man is unfit...
    A child shouldnt be fatherless (or not in contact with hes or her BIOLOGICAL father) because your fucking ego is in the way
    ya real fucking equal ladies
    we as a society always tend to go to extremes when it comes to social issues, first women had little power in society, now there are those who would argue they have more power then men.
    First people of colour were viewed as bellow whites, now are sometimes viewed as higher.
    why cant be we just be fucking equal?

    is it really hard to look at someone as an individual?
    and judge them based on thier actions alone?
  12. Yeah, I mean... how can you make things truly equal between two things that aren't the same.

    I can't give my bong and my bowl equal rights... My bong is way better than my bowl. :D
  13. #13 Brenjin, May 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2012
    Feminism is bullshit. The very notion is ridiculous.

    It's a problem of society really, that we believe girls have to be absolutely feminine and we define them within these certain parameters.

    Treat growing baby girls like babies and treat growing baby boys like babies. Nothing more. just organisms that needs to be kept healthy and alive, with brains that need to be stimulated.

    What are we really teaching the female children of the world when we let them be taken over by their emotions way more than men? We are teaching women to be illogical. Plain and simple.

    The feminist movement stems from this lack of logic.
  14. Fuck, I have to go to work, but just saw this thread!! I am about as proud a feminist as they come, and have the background in this area ( after all, I did minor in Women Studies)...OP, what is your definition of a feminist? Because honestly, after reading your post, I don't think you understand the concept ( don't worry, not all women do either)
  15. if they keep it up eventually we are just gonna be there little slave bitches
  16. as men we need to be like we are superior physically, mentally, and every other aspect. the purpose of a female is to bear children. there are so few inspirational women out there, and the few things they did do weren't even that inspiring

  17. Feminism is the belief that women should have the same rights as men. The main purpose of it is equality.
  18. Does anyone else think the women's rights movement was just a way for the government to finally be able to tax 100% of the population, rather than 50%?
  19. How very... illogical of you. Ever think that association and causality are two separate things entirely? I would have thought a fellow weed smoker would realise that, apparently not.

    Ever think that it's perhaps the nature of social inequality that women never made such impressions on the world?

    You're clearly ignorant if you think women haven't done things in our society. You need to read some feminist literature if this is your way of thinking. Both genders are capable of great things, however we have clear and distinct differences. To treat both equally would do our genders a complete injustice.

    But women as 'child-bearers'? You sound like you're from the 1940s.
  20. It's a really silly concept. That's all there is to say.

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