Women and Conformity

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by CoolNewThing, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. Do women have a natural tendency to conform to society more so than men? If you believe so, why do you think that is?
  2. This is going to be VERY touchy... so I'm going to be as general as I can..

    I love women.... that being said:

    I wouldn't say it's a 'natural tendency'... more like a 'natural disadvantage.' From the start, females have toys that shape their mind from a very, very young age, whether it be baking, cooking, cleaning, beauty accessories..

    Women are ruthless towards other women, and unfortunately, the mass female population are brainwashed with what the standard of beauty is, and will shun other females for not looking or acting 'the norm'.

    In turn, that pressures the said female to conform to the disgustingly high standard that society has set.


    This is just my opinion/belief.. I love all women and enjoy nothing more than one who is completely comfortable with her naked self.. much like my good friend Mary... :smoke:
  3. What society are you referring to?
  4. Any and all. It would seem in the USA unless you get a nip and a tuck your standard of beauty will never reach perfection. In the middle east it would seem that many women conform to islam due specifically to societies standards.

    Across the board women sacrifice self confidence and self dependence for quite simply, the status quo. As the guy above said, there's a ton of pressure on girls to conform today. It is no longer about doing what YOU are most interested in doing, but what is BEST for the society and women eat it up.
  5. Have you not heard of feminism?
    The conformity of women as seen by men in western civilization is all the creation of up until recently the testosterone dominated work force.
    The work force of western society previously being primarilly composed of men and that also being the face of advertising and consumerism caused women as a sex to be marginilized.

    Whilst repression of females is no longer considered part of our culture the scars of a society composed of such a testosterone based common ground are still lingering and serve whether intended or not to marginilize women.

    So to answer your question, as a social standard, in a western society, women are more likely to comform as a requirement to compete and reach 'equal' ground with male standards.
    Biologically though women are no more likely to conform than men, it is the psychology of our current systems that cause more frequent attempts at conformity.

    So yes and no - depends on which you prefer to know.

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