Woman Shot in the Head, Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Marijuana”

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by QualiD, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. \tWoman Shot in the Head, Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Marijuana”[​IMG]
    Full story:

  2. damn well good thing this douche isnt going to get away with it. feel bad for those kids.
  3. He killed his fucking wife over the possibility she was smoking?


    I just...

    *Drive C has suffered a fatal error: REBOOT*

    Words can not describe how fucked up this is. Hope that asshole gets whats coming to him in prison.
  4. #4 RW_Tucker, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    You want to say that this is an individual tragedy, but I have a feeling this kind of violent paranoia is endemic to PD's across the country.
    Maybe not. In any case, the holy herb has become a projection for sociopaths like this guy. Somehow it must have gotten mixed up in his mind with infidelity, or as something that would besmirtch one's honor.
    "Caesar's wife must be above question," was something uttered a long time ago.
    Can't imagine what went through this guy's head.
    In no way am I a 'cop-hater,' I posted this because a friend liked it on facebook and it was marijuana associated and I decided to share it here. Do no mistake my intentions just because the source of the article is anti-cop, this is not a cop-bashing post. Just one fucked up story I wanted to share. Thank you for your input.
  6. #6 enjoyandlive, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2014
    Crazy white people. no offense though, this shit usually only happens with a portion of them. and he did it just because he suspected she was smoking weed. hes getting that long dick in prison, probably killed if anyone finds out about it. but the justice system today is so screwy mostly racially so im not gonna be surprised if hes let go
  7. #7 Bob Barker, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2014
    headline is very misleading. WAY more to the story....this is husband and wife drama not a cop blowing off a random chicks head.
  8. The police officer is not the one to be investigated. It's the people who hired him. It's the police training school that could not figure out what an ass he is.
      "honey, I have a gun, I have 3 wonderful children and I am at a party. I think I'll step outside and kill myself.....I won't brb"
    Fuckin idiot
  9. You can be investigated for making such a statement.
  10. One more victim of the USA's Mickey Mouse war on drugs.
  11. He tried to cover it up too w/ his little frat boy cop buddy. What a fucking coward.  
    If you read the article it says the cop who shot this chick tried to make it look like a suicide, and his cop friend was suppressing statements and altering evidence to make it look that way. The truth ended up coming out though. 
    Trigger man deserves the chair. His accomplice buddy deserves prison time for being an accessory to murder, and his badge should be taken away for good  :smoking:
  12. These stories are fake good friends!
    I have a friend that owns a marketing company, he talks about this all the time. The people will create an article that is truly disgusting or emotion evoking, and then then in your disgust you will post this article somewhere or comment on it. This creates online clicks and ad revenue which was the point of creating the fake article.
    I appreciate all your guys's concern for the cause though.
    I am creating a legit (fact checked) marijuana business news blog if anyone is interested. Just email me at edos.design@gmail.com and I'll send you the link, I'd post the URL here but it's against the rules and no one likes a spammer ;)
    Smoke on friends  :hello:
    You're obviously not very adept at "checking facts"...
    This link was contained within the link provided in the OP.
    Nice spam, though...  ;)
  14. If this man gets acquitted then ppl will have good reason to riot for a change.
  15. a guy who is fucked up in the head shoots his wife... that would be a more appropriate title.
    this story has nothing really to do with mj or the fact that he was a cop. 
  16. Only an idiot would believe he shot her just because she wanted to smoke weed. -exs are crazy, regardless of their race.
  17. #17 Exhazer, Nov 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2014
    You said it buddy! People are fucked up in the head.....I got a laundry list to say about this but yet my C Drive will also get a Fatal error. Its only getting worse...i think its time to take away ALL guns yes ALL even the nice cops fuck you guys you are guilty by association, no wait im sorry...Part of a crime. Fuck you guys how do you like "being part of a crime" you didnt commit or were even near. Not so fair now is it?

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