Wiz Khalifa looks like a giraffe

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by BadRoll, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. #1 BadRoll, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Guys. Nobody seems to notice this, but I and a few other people agree that Wiz clearly looks like a giraffe. I mean firstly, he's skinny with skinny arms and legs: so are giraffes. Then there's his face... I'll let you blades decide if I'm right or just seeing shit :cool:

    I'll label the pictures, since it may be hard to tell the difference.

    Evidence #1



    Evidence #2



    Evidence #3



    Evidence #4:


  2. I thought he was a giraffe... this.... whole time.... *fail*
  3. #3 BadRoll, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Did you guys know that Wiz can only get into G-rated movies?


    Attached Files:

  4. Wiz isn't anything like he was on his mix tapes. He's a fag now....

  5. That's a little off topic, but either way, I agree that his rap style has changed. I think both styles are good, I have almost all of Wiz's music and I like 80%+ of it.

  6. pretty obvious you like him.
    you have enough pictures of him to be a stalker.
  7. He looks like a human being, and the other one looks like a giraffe. But that's just how I see it.
  8. [quote name='"BadRoll"']

    That's a little off topic, but either way, I agree that his rap style has changed. I think both styles are good, I have almost all of Wiz's music and I like 80%+ of it.[/quote]

    Definitely looks like a giraffe though LOL I'm not gonna lie
  9. LOL'D so hard at this.
  10. #10 BadRoll, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Glad some people can see this and like it, lol :D

    These are all linked straight from google, it was a 5-10min project to gather up the ones that matched :)
  11. Haha, he actually does especially with the black and yellow hair.
  12. Evidence #4 was my favorite haha
  13. I didn't even think of that! So true :D

    Mine too :)
  14. I think he looks like a damn tranny.
  15. He looks like a terrible lyricist..
  16. I think he doesn't look like a giraffe but he does pose like one... Or maybe you found pictures of giraffes posing like Wiz :eek:
  17. #17 BadRoll, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Aw, come on guys I put this thread in humor to be funny, no off-topic hate now

    Conspiracy? New slogan?

    Giraffes imitate stoner rappers: Legalize weed!
  18. He looks like a monkey to me.

    lol jk
  19. [quote name='"BadRoll"']

    Aw, come on guys I put this thread in humor to be funny, no off-topic hate now

    I was on topic

  20. The topic is what Wiz looks like, more specifically whether he looks like a giraffe or not... He obviously doesn't look like a stereotypical bad lyricist or something, so you were just hating, and now you're being stubborn :rolleyes:

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