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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Keekz, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Okay so updjate with my first post I've stopped smoking weed since my incident of "greening out"
    Mind you I've been smoking over 3+ years with no issue. Mixing weed and occasional alcohol when going out as well
    It's been 3 days only if not smoking and I feel like I'm having withdrawals. I know this sounds stupid but I don't feel myself. Is it all mental what can I do to stop this feeling I wanna smoke again but scared the experience I had might happen again -.- ????
  2. Smoke again just take small hits and ease into it.
    Don't be a hero lol baby steps. Once you have a coulple good sessions again youl be mint.
    It's psychological and if you fear your gonna have a bad trip 9 chances outta 10 your gonna go that route.
    Just chill. Throw on a movie or something and just relax.:smiley-rolling-joint:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Ahh thanks so much ! This withdrawal symptoms are killing me Ima lay low for a week n start off baby steps thanks for the advice !
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  4. not being a dick but I get pissed off seeing threads like this every day... am I the only one who knows about alcohol withdrawals? Withdrawals where you have to worry about possibly dying, hospitalization, tapering off... it's just I can't take pot withdrawals serious at all... I can't believe I'm the only one calling this stuff out
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  5. Cheeto though I have to agree in part, you can get serious withdrawals from going without anything you've become addicted to, whether it's a physical or psychological addiction.

    Most people enjoy watching television however if you took that away for one month most people would actually get some form of depression and go through withdrawals doing things they normally wouldn't just to be able to watch tv again, same with cell phones and music.

    Are these withdrawals physically harmful like alcohol or opiate dependence? Hell no. But like every other withdrawl symptoms they are serious, only good thing among all of them is they let you know you have a issue you need to solve.
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  6. Thank you so much for understanding. These withdrawals aren't harmful at all. There temporary because I was used to smoking at night to go to sleep. Symptoms I have is just bad headaches and anxiety which is caused by not smoking. Weed is addicting. Yes it's crazy and u wouldn't believe me til u go thru it. Why? Because u depend on weed, which in my case I depend on it badly (which I shouldn't) it'll go away in a few days unlike alcohol or other drugs those effect you more and can self harm you. I don't have any suicidal thoughts just confusion but I'm hoping I get to sober up quick and continue little by little to smoke again. Only reason why I stopped was cus I had a horrible experience last weekend and I'm afraid it'll happened again
  7. Yeah.. I used to have bad trips every time I smoked weed. My hands would go freezing cold, I could barely walk and I felt like I was falling through the earth. Just chill out and tell yourself it's just weed even if your heart beats fast as fuck just like mine does. I learned to ignore it after a while. Try to smoke at home around people you trust. I'm currently dankrupt so smoke a bowl/joint/spliff/blunt for me :D Should be green again tomorrow.

  8. You're not alone, this shit is getting ridiculous. If you can't handle "quitting" weed then you shouldn't even be smoking it in the first place imo. Caffeine is far more addictive than weed for me personally.
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  9. i get the classic withdrawal symptoms of kinda grouchy for 2-3 days,shitty sleep, not much of an appetite. but thats about it and i smoke a lot.
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  10. so... you blacked out and are blaming weed not the alcohol. hm?

    as far as being helpful goes i find mental addictions to be very strong but there are easy tricks to trick them.
    when I had to stop smoking the ganj, I got a hookah.. just the similarity of devices and being able to smoke something that actually tastes good really helped get the mental sting out of me.
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  11. i think you need to forget about weed if it has this much of a detrimental effect on your life
  12. That's not right I been smoking for many years non stop.. coming from experience yes withdrawals do happen if udepend on anything it's called being addicted
  13. Honestly idk what I should be blaming cus 1 I've mixed both weed and alcohol before and in much bigger amount and that never happend
  14. People drink a ton all the time then one day die of alcohol poisoning

    It doesn't matter at all what you have done in here past here. Clearly you went beyond your own limit for the condition your body was in

    You need to familiarize yourself with your limits, obviously you don't know how much you can consume on an empty stomache or more importantly learned that you should eat well before you drink and smoke a bunch
  15. I just say that because alcohol like benzodiazepines are known for making people blackout.. weed i guess at high dab doses makes people go to sleep.

    EDIT: blackout referring to waking up and not knowing where you are what happened how long ago its been.
  16. In my case I guess it was the empty stomach from 2pm literally didn't consume any type of food at all skipped breakfast and not to mention barely ate for lunch.. but why is it now I feel so down weak ever since the incident? I'm going to the doctor soon so hopefully it's not an underlying condition
  17. Man I greened out back in September and the only way I got through it was by soldiering on man. You have to tell yourself it's just weed and start small, smoke alone and it'll go away in no time, you just have to get over the hump of panicking from weed for a little while.
  18. So you suggest I chill back for a bit until I recover from the "trauma"
  19. When you do drugs that cause you to puke and have diarrhea constantly, sweat, feel like you have the worst fever imaginable, knowing that the only thing that will make it end is another dose of a drug that doesn't even make you feel high anymore then I'll take what you're saying seriously.
  20. I think it won't hurt to ease into it. But do whatever feels right, the only way back into weed is to just smoke more weed.

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