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Withdrawal Symptons

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by totodile, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I recently quit smoking marijuana as of Monday. I smoked daily for probably the past three months, and started smoking occasionally at the beginning of summer. The last time I smoked was before I went to sleep on Sunday. My parents found all of my stuff, and they didn't even raise their voice or yell in anger at me once. We discussed it as adults, and in the end my parents still see it as illegal, which it is, so I'm quitting for at least a month. I didn't tell my parents I was only quitting for at least a month, but I asked my dad what he would think if I smoked it occasionally and he said, "It's still illegal."

    Anyway, I'm on my fifth day of no smoking, and every night except for Monday I've had trouble sleeping. Also, my appetite is weird. Sometimes I can eat the normal amount of food I usually would, and other times I really just don't feel like eating that much. Lastly, I've been going through some anxiety. Usually only while I'm at home in the vicinity of my parents, and I've told them this.

    Both anxiety and my sleeplessness were very minimal problems before I ever even tried marijuana, and now I find it ironic that after marijuana has done so much for me, it's all coming back. There's no question that I'm not going to smoke for a month, I have the willpower and the commitment to do so.

    I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this or is going through this? Also, any helpful tips for any of these symptoms?
  2. Yes, it's normal. Pot is an appetite stimulant so the change in appetite is going to be normal. Same with sleeping and dreaming. Pot makes you tired and w/o it, its normal to feel more alert. Frequent use is gonna do that unfortunately :( But keep it going and after a week or two, withdrawals should fade away. :wave:
  3. its not exactly withdrawl, but rather you have nothing to do.

    you can compare it to playing football everyday for a few years, and then never playing again. youre gonna be a bit edgy and bored and stuff.

    try to find something else to occupy your time.

    PS: totodile was my favorite pokemon on G/S/C
  4. It's Normal.
    Drug testing was threatened on me and I quit for a monthish.
    I had trouble getting to sleep and when I finally got to sleep I would dream of bud.
    Everynight I would dream of smoking a blunt and the blunt would progressively get bigger the longer I didn't smoke.
  5. i've never experienced sleeplessness or stange appetite, just extreme boredom. i found a hobby and it really helped with not smoking also im not sure if your into smoking ciggarettes but they help to stop smoking but its a pretty bad habit
  6. Haha, yeah I loved him too. And I believe you are right, my father took me to talk to someone about marijuana (nothing terrible), and she even said that I really need to find something to do to fill in that time. I recently got a gym membership for Christmas, so I'm probably going to start going more often when my next semester of school begins.

    Anyway, when I can't fall asleep at night, my mind is always racing as I'm sure most of yours are too. It really gets me thinking about marijuana, and the only thing about marijuana that's addicting is learning about it. I've been sharing almost all my findings with my dad, we've been watching movies together. He doesn't dispute that it doesn't help people who need it as their medicine, he just sees it as being illegal and doesn't want to see me ruin my life.

    I don't believe that I would ruin my life by smoking marijuana occasionally or every day, other than the fact that if I were to get drug tested or caught than it could potentially affect my life in that matter. Nothing to do with the effects of marijuana has every effected my life in a negative way, except for when I got extremely drunk and smoked I believe too much.

    Anyway, for anyone who has seen the union, and for those who haven't, I found a deeply interesting article and also website where you are encouraged to speak out about what marijuana has done for you.

    Here is a link to the intro to what the website is about: Marijuana Uses - Dr. Lester Grinspoon's Marijuana Uses

    And this is a link within the article that I am currently reading right now: Marijuana Uses - Dr. Lester Grinspoon's Marijuana Uses

    Happy toking!

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