Hi y'all it's Chris I cheated and bought a PAX 3 on Wish..it won't link to the cell phone app but otherwise it works great. I also got the Budkups and a water pipe attachment off Amazon. The Budkups work good it's a great idea for weed on the go.. the water pipe attachment didn't fit ..but the Pax 3 is a great system.
and you get to inhale soldering and toxic plastic fumes from off gassing of cheap materials. They aren't the same. The fakes are not made with medical grade materials. You're better off smoking at this point. China doesn't make quality knock offs of anything.
It's like going to the indoor mini mall buying kens but it's Nike Sent from my HTC One M9 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Definitely agree with the other blades. When it comes to true vaporizers you can't go cheap unfortunately.