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wisdom tizeeth

Discussion in 'General' started by yellow bic, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. im gettin them pulled next week

    any advice

    i do have one question, i believe i got tickets to a rave satruday sept 22 will i be ok to roll at this after my surgery on tuesday?

    and how long till i can resume my terrible eating habits again? lol
  2. a rave is the last thing youll want to do. ha. eat drugs, hit a vape and sleep. i didnt eat for a week.
  3. Hmm I got 4 of mine pulled. Didn't think it was too bad.

    Got 25 7.5mg Percocet's so I was pretty damn happy. Barely needed em so It was quite fun.

    I smoked like 2 days after I got them done and was just real careful not to suck too hard cause you can get dry sockets.

    My advice : smoke joints or if you do smoke a bowl, dont cover the carb.

    You should be able to eat like 4-5 days afterwards.

    No idea bout rollin...I'd assume yes though.

  4. When I had mines pulled I just laid in the bed and bled all over this pillow for a day or two. After that though, you should be feeling alright.
  5. hahah well shitty

    im totally scared and freaked out about the actual surgery it sefl but im really hoping it wont be that bad at all

    i am looking forward to the painkillers as well lol

    i just found out i am gettin all four pulled as well and i only thoght they could pull 2 at a time , god damnit!
  6. Why don't you ask your dentist/oral surgeon these things?
  7. "can i take ecstasy dentistman, PLEASE?!"
    "no, you should NEVER do mdma"

    i would figure no, remember you could have jaw grinding and it could fuck stuff up...
  8. It would probably be best to avoid rolling, because like gone fishin said, the jaw grinding etc could cause some unneeded stress on your mouth, but I really don't know.

    Just remember to not smoke until your dentist/oral surgeon says it is ok to, wouldn't want dry sockets

    As for eating, it really didn't take too long for me to be back into a normal eating schedule, just make sure food doesn't get caught in the wound.... terrible thing. I had skin grow over caught food that i was unaware of...... quite painful having that fixed :(
  9. ya c'mon rasta, im not gonna ask my dentist if i can indulge in some mdma

    and i would ask him all my legit questions except i havent seen him yet, and everytime i call just to scheudle an appointment it takes like a haf hour on the phone to figure shit out, so by the time im off the phone im ready to be off lol

    anyways im looking forward to saving my painkillers and using them some other times.

    it sucks that i have to take off work for three days, i took three just to be safe.

    and about smoking, i guess this will be a good couple day t break

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