Wisdom Teeth

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Rasta Buds, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Just found out today I have to have my wisdom teeth removed in December...I'm definitely not looking forward to this. I'm worried I'll tell my Mom my drug history, because she's the one driving me. Hopefully I don't though :eek:

    One of my friends had his wisdom's removed and the dentist ended up accidentally pulling out the wrong molar or something like that...what a fail. Hopefully this doesn't happen either :eek:
  2. Sucks to be you. I had all 4 pulled in one sitting......
  3. I'm having all 4 pulled as well lol
  4. i had all 4 pulled this morning. it's pretty much a bitch. i cant smoke or eat brownies, so i have to wait til nobody's home and make some pot chocolate

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