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Wisdom Teeth Poll

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by bcustom28k, May 27, 2009.

  1. Getting my wisdom teeth out at 10 am tomorro... with an IV to put me out ,not supposed to smoke within 24 hrs.... shouuld i just smoke tonite ??? --making it only 12 hrs without smoking?

    I know theres other threads on this but i wanna see some hands should i smoke or not. im a real anxiuos person and I am definetly more than a little nervous about getting an IV (needle in vein eww). so smoking weed tonite would definetly put me at ease a little
  2. Yea I would, I got mine out 3 months ago. I smoked the night before and when I woke up the next day.

    It was fine and not bad at all. I loved it actually. You are ridiculously high after the surgery for about 10 hours.

    I smoked out of my bubbler through my nose for about a day but then I just smoked like normal but was still cautious. The IV isnt bad at all dont worry.

    Its fun watching them o it, they put the IV in and then they have 3 different bafgs of meds. And they pull out the first bag and im like whats that do, they're like " It will make you comfortable" and right when they hooked that up my chair felt like it turned into a marshmellow, then they put in numbing stuff, then the last one they said that it would make me feel itchy, they put it in and I immediatly felt itchy and started hallucinating (All the doctors diploma's on the walls were melting off the wall, and the walls looked like conveyor belts) then I passed out, woke up and went home.
    Its all good dont worry too bad
  3. If it's written 24 hours, then I would not recommend smoking. If there is any complications (it will not happen) you will be thankful.

    By the way, I got my 4 removed at once and it wasn't that painful. It's allright. Good luck and stay cool!

  4. ask a doctor
  5. YOu could try but you risk getting a dry socket, which aint all that fun...
  6. I got my wisdom teeth removed 2 spring breaks ago, and they showed me a video before about the dangers and risks and what not. I'm not sure if they have to show it to everyone, or if it was just my doctor's office, but it said marijuana lowers lung capacity, and when you're under you might have trouble breathing, or appear to have trouble breathing, in which case they'd have to do something. I would just lay low for 2 days before and you should be fine. It's a trippy experience though, you look at the clock, and then you wake up feeling like you just blinked and it's 2 and a half hours later.
  7. I got my wisdom teeth out today. Via IV (G.A.) All is well for me thus far, and I smoked a decent sized bowl yesterday. I was afraid of marijuana causing a reaction with the G.A. (which scares the piss out of me in general), but all went well.

    Id say don't smoke in the morning.

  8. This happened to my mom and she said it was a very painful experience and not worth it. But this came from smoking after the surgery.
  9. Get all the smoking out of your system while you can now before they're removed. Once those suckers are out you won't be able to smoke for a while, or sip from straws from that matter as these actions can cause the gums to heal with air pockets which can cause infection (and you'll have to endure another surgery) which can ultimately lead to death if untreated.

    Yes, wisdom teeth suck. Had all four of mine taken out when I was 17. The second day was the worst for me, other than that, not too bad!
  10. I smoked like 15 minutes before my wisdom tooth surgery, and about 20 minutes after :poke: I think smoking after poses more of a risk, as you can get a dry socket. I wasn't told a single thing about not smoking before, but I did ask the nurse as soon as I woke up that I'm a MMJ Patient, and when can I smoke, and she said 24 hours I think (maybe 48)
  11. thanks for the feedback.. yeah judging from that one scary post about lung capacity under GA I will not smoke tonite...

    i alrleady smoked earlier today so smokin again tonite probably stupid...

    Sucks tho! cause today i got a bunch of new strains i wanna smoke so bad!! but it looks like itll be a few days maybe more

  12. If you do it really carefully I think you could do it. But I don't know if it's worth it because you could get a dry socket and you would definitely be regretting it then.
  13. Clarification** im talking about smoking before my operation not after
  14. i didn't end up smoking that day because they gave me these 3 pills, of which i forget the names now, but those 3 pills fucked me up enough for me not to have to even think about smoking. it was almost giving me mild hallucinations, watching the carpet in the waiting room twitch and move and breathe like i was on shrooms or something.

    IV went in and i went out, but the next day (i say the next day cause apparently i slept the entire day after the procedure) i smoked weed. i had 3 wisdom teeth removed so i took gauze into my mouth and bit down when i was inhaling and exhaling so that there was some type of protection on the wounds against the smoke.

    not saying you should smoke the day after you have gaping holes in your mouth, but if you must at least think a little beforehand if you want to.
  15. I personally am using mine as a good excuse for a t-break...dosn't hurt. :D:smoking:
  16. I am a medical anomaly: I was born with no wisdom teeth. Apparently only about three percent of humans are this highly evolved.
  17. ^ My dad is such a human. Lol.

    Uh, I really don't see a big problem with smoking the night before your wisdom teeth surgery, I did. Just try to avoid doing it after surgery for a bit. You're gonna feel like a million dollars once they drug you up, believe me.
  18. You'd probably be fine. But why is it even a big deal? Can't you go a few days without smoking? It'll be a nice t-break. I didn't smoke for 6 days after my wisdom teeth removal and it really helped my tolerance.
  19. I got a really bad dry socket afterwards, it's FUCKING HORRIBLE.

    They put in these clove things in the holes that make anything that goes into your mouth taste terrible and it make me want to puke every time I tasted my saliva. It took like 2 months to heal fully.

    But yeah it wasn't smoking or straw-sucking related, I didn't smoke at all after the surgery, just really bad luck on my part.
  20. #20 SmoothBlack, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2009
    hah i just got my wisdom teeth removed and i didnt know you werent supposed to smoke 12 hours before the operation (i had an IV too btw). i smoked at 7ish the night before and got them out at 7 am. you're good to go

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