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Wisdom Teeth extraction and anesthetic question

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by locktodots, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Okay so in about 4 days I am getting all 4 wisdom teeth extracted. I am well aware of dry-socket and have prepared edibles tonight to get high when I am not able to smoke next week. I am planning to go smoke-less for about a week to be on the safe side for dry-socket. 
    My main question is any potential complication with the surgery or any kind of cross tolerance with the anesthetic and marijuana. On the new-patient form I noted my marijuana use and the doctor never brought anything up in the following consultation I had a few weeks ago. I've read alot of posts regarding marijuana use and general anesthetic but am struggling to find any of my required specifics.
    I should note more about myself as well I feel:
    I am 18 years old, have been smoking everyday for about a year and a bit, so it's safe to say I have quite a tolerance. I've taken the odd 1-2week T-Break but Im back to where I've always been. I'm wondering if smoking this week is a bad idea or not. The last thing I want is to find that my anesthetic is cross-tolerant the hard way (waking up during the surgery). I'm not an idiot and I know that marijuana doesn't react negatively with alot of drugs, if any, but Im not willing to dismiss the idea until I have reassurance. Is marijuana a drug that could potentially react negatively while I've been put under? and no I am not talking about smoking up the day of or on the way to the dentist's, because that just ridiculous. Im planning to take the day or 2 before the surgery off from any marijuana use in any form, just to be on the safer side. Im just wondering if any reminiscent use from the preceding days will affect my anesthetic experience.
    Thank you for all who respond and I appreciate your experience and insight.

  2. /thread smh move this outta here
  3. I had to go in to get all four of mine taken out and didn't stop smoking afterwards whatsoever. All that really happened is I bled for another day.

    When I got mine done they had me on a few different things and tried to put me under but I didn't pass out at all. So they did the surgery with me awake, but that same day I went to the skatepark and got to blazing.
  4. Thanks for the brilliant insight, mr. Wonton. Totally helpful.
  5. I had surgery earlier this summer. It was a "surprise" surgery to fix a broken bone. I smoked the day of the accident earlier in the day and 3 days later I had surgery. I was really worried about saying something stupid around parents or doctors after waking up seeing how weed is illegal and all. Anyways I felt like maybe a 1 or 2 out of 10 on a "high" scale compared to weed and a few other drugs I've done. All anesthesia is different. When I got the bill they combined like 16 different drugs in my IV to put me under. So I can't really say how you will be because we have no idea what they use
  6. sorry bro. Was in bad mood this morning. I apologize. I hope your surgery goes well man. :peace: no hard feelings
  7. Yeah no hard feelings :) thanks.
  8. Never had my wisdom teeth removed but many friends have had it done.  My stoner friends never stopped smoking, we would either milk the bong for him and let him slowly clear it or do buckets.  They all said sucking in hurt so try and take it easy.  Edibles seems like a good idea providing you can eat.  Maybe make some canna caps with the oil/butter that you made.
  9. Does anyone have any information regarding the use of MJ pre-surgery. I know the risks for smoking after the surgery and read alot of anecdotal accounts of smoking post-surgery, but I am worried about when I should be quitting pre-surgery. The surgery is on monday in the early morning and Im trying to figure out if its safe to toke tonight and or tomorrow. 
  10. #10 Cereal Killer, Nov 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2014
    If propofol is the anesthetic being used, you may require a larger dose. So if you're about to receive general anesthesia, make sure you make them aware that you smoke, which it sounds like you have. Propofol acts on the CB-1 receptors in your brain.

    I haven't seen much else significant regarding marijuana and other common general anesthetics or muscle paralytics. If you drink alcohol frequently, I'd let them know about that as well, because it might cause cross-tolerance. Here are a few more links on the subject. One is mice study showing that marijuana and pentobarbital together resulted in prolonged effect of the anesthesia, so there might be a small cross-tolerance. But they received the cannabis extract only twenty minutes before anesthesia. The results would probably be a lot different if they received it say, a day beforehand.

    Wise of you to plan ahead with the edibles. Hope your surgery goes well :smoke:

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