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Wine instead of bong water

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iHotbox, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Theres this guy i know who is constantly doing crazy shit.. first time i met him he was smoking a bong with wine instead of water. how bad is this for you? would it get you drunk also? sorry, these are kind of stupid questions but im just wondering. also, he threw up purple afterwards but if it truly gets you drunk then he might have just thrown up because he was drunk. thoughts?
  2. im not so sure. but id watch using alcohol. that shit can catch on fire lmfao.
  3. I dont think that could get you drunk. I dont see how anyways. Ive tried Hawaiian Punch before :D Red one and Blue one. Pretty tasty. I might have to try wine though. Was it red or white wine?
  4. Youd have to use some straight 151 bruh haha.
  5. We were all apprentice tokers too you know, although there will probably be some kid saying "are you retarded wowowowowow" and then explain why your wrong in a douch-like way. But think about it, THC is alcohol soluble so your losing THC.. and I doubt you would get drunk because I don't think the smoke is hot enough to create a vapour out of the wine, amd why would you want to inhale alcohol? think about how bad that is for your lungs. Be aware, analyze, and think accordingly. Besides, who wants a gross wine residue in their bong? :smoke:
  6. Red wine. I wouldnt do it if i were you, he threw up A LOT afterwards.

  7. lmfaoo either way i wouldnt do it! id rather drink it. besides wines too tasty to be stank-tified with weed smoke.
  8. Just about to say that :rolleyes:
  9. THC is alcohol soluble..nothing good comes from putting drinks like that in you rbong..Just smoke the weed, and drink the wine man, that shit is really tasty. Waste of wine and THC
  10. it wont get ou drunk....but i wouldnt use that i would use juice....i personally use water with lime juice mixed in it so the smoke taste more lime
  11. wine gives off some strong aromas... i cant imagine smoking weed through it. Sounds painful :laughing:
  12. yea THC gets broken down in alcohol

    not to mention the fact that this can't be healthy...
  13. hahah yeah i wouldnt ever do it, i was just wondering. could you do it with like a soda?
  14. i cant imagine why not.... might go nutty fizzling when you force bubbles thru it n u may inhale alotta CO2. Im curious how thatd turn out
  15. Like other people have said thc gets absorbed in alcohol so you would get a lot of resin faster and you would get less high
  16. People do this for flavor, not for a buzz. It's just a surprisingly pleasant (depending on the wine used) alternative to using water.

    That's all, no harm, no great spectacular benefit as far as the stone is concerned. Just flavor, and for something different that isn't entirely unpalatable like most alternatives.

    The blue raspberry UV reactive vodka is also fun, but again, it's just fun aesthetically.

    There is a method (illegal in most states for bar-use) for inhaling alcohol vapor for the purposes of getting 'drunk', you may still be able to find a few venues that offer it legally.
  17. badkitty, can one do this vapor thing at home?
  18. This gives me a sweet idea. First you fill it with a 90+ proof liqour, ignite the drink and put hand on top, the alcohol vapors will collect up the tube. Then block off the downstem hole to put flame out, put the stem and bowl in, and rip! Inhale alcohol and weed! I do that all the time with shots, the alcohol vapors really do fuck you up.
  19. when the flame is burning it is burning the alcahol vapors.... youd be better off just letting the vapors collect
  20. yea, thats the point...

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