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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tokintina, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Date:Monday, April 20, 2009
    Time:3:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: Dieppe Park
    Street:Riverside Dr.
    City/Town:Windsor, ON


    Dieppe Park is where this will more then likely be taking place. Perfect setup, in the heart of downtown Windsor.

    There will be contests for best bong, best costume, pipe and joint! Prizes are being donated to us generously from Marc and Jodie Emery. A big thanks to them.

    I know that this is a rally in the works and as soon as we work out the details you will all be informed.

    Invite, invite, invite friends! Lets make this a rally Windsor will never forget!
    Please remember this is a peaceful rally and we ask that everyone is just that, peaceful. No fights or starting shit with any authorities that may come along. If we want our cause to be taken seriously, we need to be taken seriously!

    We ask that all you musicians out there to bring your acoustic instruments, guitars, drums, harmonicas; don't care. If you can play it bring it for a crazy jam session! :hello:

    Peace, love &



  2. you damn canadians and your legalization rallies :(

    wish i could be there :wave:
  3. I would go, but its pretty far. I think I'll stick to the one in Queen's Park :p
  4. yep queens park is the way to go, GMM 2009! 3rd year in a row it will be this year!! EVERYONE CHECK THE GLOBAL MARIJUANA MARCH 2009 WEBSITE TO SEE IF YOUR CITY IS INVOLVED AND SHOW UP
  5. i went to windsor in london, cool
  6. Hey I'm going to be there! I'm also in the Facebook group!
  7. great! dont forget to invite all your friends :)
  8. I live like a 10min walk from there, so yes ill be there :D

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