Windows Updates won't download?

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Broosh, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I have been trying to download 4 Windows Updates for the past 2 months and they just WONT DOWNLOAD

    I have a LEGIT copy of Windows 7. I click "download" and it says "Installation not successful"

    then it says "Please download and run the "Check for System Update Readiness" tool at URL.

    go to the URL and try to do it that way, and it doesn't work. it just fails

    any ideas?
  2. try to download on another computer?

    idk it usually downloads fine for me.
  3. I had a bad ram stick and windows updates would never finish properly. Could be a sign of failing hardware maybe

  4. i don't think that's it. all of my hardware is recognized.
  5. [quote name='"Broosh"']

    i don't think that's it. all of my hardware is recognized.[/quote]

    Mine was too. No blue screens or anything. But yea its probably a pretty rare occurrence.
  6. still trying to fix this issue.
  7. So have you tried downloading the updates manually and installing them like that?

  8. unfortunately, yes.
  9. hmm something most people over look, is your clock right, date+time?

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