Ive planted a seed into a pot as a experiment, and its sprouted! I live in CT so its about to go into a deep freeze, Will this plant be able to suck up enough light through my window?
What are you trying to discover with your "experiment"? Putting a seed in soil isn't an experiment, it's supposed to sprout. We are just about at the winter solstice, the weakest and least amount of sun for the whole year, and you are trying to grow a sun-loving plant. And your window filters out UV rays that the plant likes. As John Doe said, you might get it to stay green for a little while but it will stretch and overall be a big fail. Read up on indoor grows, get some actual light ASAP, or else just go ahead and flush that baby sprout down the toilet because you won't get anywhere with your "plan" as it stands now.
Really just dicking around, If i get anything out of it, or if it dose fail, ill let you know, remember it is a weed, and should grow on its own well.
[quote name='"Jacobzav"'] Really just dicking around, If i get anything out of it, or if it dose fail, ill let you know, remember it is a weed, and should grow on its own well.[/quote] IF it does fail? It WILL fail. Grass is considered a weed also, it can't grow without its needs being met. Your "experiment" will end with a plant that is two feet long and as thick as a tooth pick with very few leaves. If it is a female it will not produce bud. That's if it can still stand. It's not going to work. Buy some cfls and read. After reading you will understand why we know it is a waste of time.
Yes it is but it also is alight hungry plant. Window Sill grows suck..one glass has coatings to block all sorts of spectrum so your carpet, furniture etc doesn't fade. Second you only get direct light for a short while in any window. MJ is a light hungry plant you can grow it under 24 hours a day of light. You would be better off putting it on your washing machine getting 3-4 CFLs for 20-30 bucks.
Not at all true. First off, there is no such thing as "a weed", that just refers to any plant growing in a spot that a human doesn't want it growing. It was given to MJ as a nickname because it's a plant, that's all. Being "a weed" doesn't give it super properties for growing well under adverse conditions. Like any living thing, you need to give it what it needs/wants and it will thrive, deprive it and it will suffer or die.
It would grow but it will be far too cold dude. I grew a plant in my window sill but it was middle of the winter and still didnt get enough light