Window Sill Growing Question!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by IamElemi, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. I have a couple of questions for growing a plant from my window sill. I successfully germinated multiple seedlings and planted 3 in a dixie cup following the right procedures (seed root face down 1-inch deep) in soil. Today is day one and so far there is no stem peaking out of the dirt, although after i poked around for a bit i found the seed (careful not to disturb it) and i noticed the root coming out of the seed reaches out a little further then when originally germinated. Am i doing anything wrong? I water the soil when it gets dry, probably once a day, normal tap water. Soil was used in a pot of flowers before i scooped some out and used it for my seeds. It does contain fertilizer and mulch from the plant previously. Am i not giving my plant enough light. I baby them at night time under an LED bulb in a lamp. Sorry if I'm breaking any rules in advance, I'm new to growing and I'm new to Grassity. ANY HELP WOULD BE AWESOME!:)

    3 Days after planting in dixie cups, almost 2 inches from the top soil. Water when soil is dry.

    Will post pictures of my setup for extra lighting other then what my plant gets from the window sill or my porch.

    Tonight i transplanted my plant from a small cup (size of shot glass) into a party cup, and i want to grow my entire plant from that cup.

    Only one of three seedlings sprouted, so help me keep this little guy alive!
  3. Party cup??
  4. just outta curiosity why keep it in a solo cup the whole grow? is space an issue?
  5. water the soil 24 hours before planting the seed let it soak in plant the seed tap root down 1-2inches deep and then wait - do not touch it man it will break soil you have to be patient
  6. lol didnt read :rolleyes:
  7. yes stop poking around in the damn pot let nature takes its course
  8. Well, the party cup tipped over today so i am starting from root one ;) and i was aiming for a smaller plant, and i heard you can use root control to produce a plant able to stay small (1-2feet) and still be able to flower some buds. Since this is my first grow i am mostly trying to experiment with what works best! Thanks for all the input. I am using windowlight , a
    13 watt fluorescent and 27 watt fluorescent, but the bulb says it is equivalent of 120 watts. Is this enough for one plant.
  9. equivalent wattage means nothing you have 40watts overall light. It is enough to grow a tiny plant that yields a couple of grams
  10. Okay, as long as my plant gets enough light, i'm not to worried about how much i get, i will post pictures soon of my setup , i also heard using computer paper is a safe alternative to aluminum foil for extra lighting? :)
  11. Ya... no aluminium foil. Why don't you want any bud from your plant.
  12. You are pouring effort into a lost cause at this point.

    You have already started on the wrong foot.

    Bad light
    Crappy soil
    Tap water

    The consequences for growing illegally (assuming you aren't legal) don't change depending on plant size. Its six of one and half dozen of the other. Why risk it for some sickly little plant that doesn't have a chance in hell.

    In the case you are legal, it doesn't cost much to find some crappy little used hps or mh fixture to give your plant the light/love it desires.
  13. Well this is my first time growing in general so knowledge is never a lost cause, don't worry about the legal status, i wont get caught. I will buy better lights. I also have fluorescent tubing lights and a lot of them would they produce enough wattage? I want a small plant for personal smoke, and the satisfaction of knowing i grew it. I don't live with relatives so i don't have a space issue, i just want to keep this grow as discreet as possible.
  14. #14 MickeyWayne, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2013
    If you are interested in floro's, research T5's. I use an 8 bulb fixture and like it. T5s would get you a nice personal veg plant. Then like a small 400 w hps for bloom. With a window sill and cfls you will be lucky to produce anything worth while.

    Its my own opinion that if you want to learn to grow, teach yourself the way you actually plan to use. I don't know if that makes any sense.

    Also, putting a pot plant in the window isn't exactly discreet. :)

  15. hmm, well i'm going to find out what type of fluro's are hanging in my garage, i will then research what type they are and find out how many i need. I want this plant to thrive and not stretch from lack of light, as i said i'm trying to keep it small and bushy, but i will reply when i find out what type of fluro tubes they are, and how many i would need for one plant.
  16. #16 MickeyWayne, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2013
    The ones hanging in your garage I'm sure are T8's. T5's are specific to growing. You could get away with a 2 bulb fixture for just yourself. You could also research the cost of a small metal hallide fixture vs. the t5's. The difference being time it takes your plant to veg long enough to bloom.

    It sounds like a small T5 ( 2 bulbs) and a small bloom fixture ( 400 w hps) would be just up your alley. Be sure to research the cost to your electricity as well when deciding on what lighting to use. All of this is only my preferred method, as you go along its important to refine things for your own preference. People here seem to go on and on (myself included), but it really just comes down to trial, error and lots of reading and research.

    It would be worth it to buy a small bag of decent soil. People seem to like fox farm. I use black gold all purpose. Another inexpensive item would be a Ph kit to treat your tap water.

    Even learning, there isn't any reason not to do simple things that can make huge differences.
  17. well, i found in basement a two bulb (40watt per bulb) black light. How well do these do with growing? Probably not to well. I haven't checked the garage yet. I'll get back to you if they are t8's. thanks
  18. They would be very unusual they are t5
  19. they are.. what? blacklights good for growing? Or they are t8s? look at my setup for my new plant, better soil, watered, and 4 effin lights! so it should sprout by tomorrow :)

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