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Wilting plant

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Packthepipe_johnson, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Okay, here is the deal. My plant began wilting on 2 days ago. [The first photo]. It was only the bottom half of the plant so, I assumed it was a root cluster issue. I repotted her one day ago. She only had one hour of light because I did it late. Today [second photo] this is how she looks. I’m just a little consider and wanted to know, how long in anyone’s experience does the recover take? Or could it possibly be something else? Thanks in advance.
  2. She looks very dry. What is the temperature and the humidity and what kind of light?

    Have you calibrated your pH pen and what is your run off ph?
  3. What’s appearing as dry is the new soil I’ve added. The original rooted soil is damp and cold. Temperature 67 l; humidity unknown. Run off pH is 5.5.

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  4. 1k HPS, and I answered the other questions in the post above.

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  5. Just shock, afew days be ok
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  6. What strain is she? Plants will also look wilty if there is too much water as well as dry so I wouldn’t immediately assume that.
    She’s probably just shocked a bit. Put her back on schedule and don’t forget to sing to her.
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  7. Thank for the advice. I did prune a couple of days been I transplanted. Like a fool

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  8. She’s blue cheese. My favorite

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  9. I didn’t know bleu cheese was a sativa. I love exodus cheese myself

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