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Will you still get high off Tincture if you spit it out after a couple minutes?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Chase424, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. I normally hold it under the tongue then swallow it but am wondering if I will still get the same high if I just hold it under the tongue for about 3 minutes then spit it out?
  2. Why not try it out for yourself

    rules say 18yo on here please
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  3. Kind of a waste of tincture in my opinion.
    Why wouldn't you swallow it?
  4. Stomach issues at times.Not with the tincture itself but I have a case of gerd.Anyway I’m trying to look for the least possible way to minimize those issues, when I use cannabis I DO swallow it but am wondering if it would be any different if I just spit it out after 2-3 minutes.
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  5. anal insertion is the way google for more
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  6. Yes, it will start to be absorbed in seconds through the mucous membranes in the mouth. You probably won't get AS high if you spit it out, but it'll get you there.
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  7. Dilute it in something else.

    i put it in a beer or coffee and it works just fine. The thc content doesn’t change, but you can dilute the alcohol
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  8. DON'T SPIT, SWALLOW. :thumbsup:
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