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Will you know when you reach your "plateau?"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jacktheflipper, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. How do you know when you reach that point where you won't get any higher, even if you keep smoking? I'll be toking, but then I'll get paranoid and think I'm wasting weed cuz I'm not getting any higher, so I stop. But then, when I'm sober again, I feel like I could've gotten higher and it would've been funner if I had.

    So what are some signs to let you know you've reached your plateau?

    P.S. Then I heard about guys "smoking themselves sober" -- holy shit, that must be the worst thing ever :smoke:

  2. Smoke until you cant breathe.
  3. That just sounds unpleasant.
  4. I don't really get any higher after about 1-2 bong rips, 1-2 sobes, 1-2 joints, or 1 blunt, etc. After I get "high" I just kind of stay high and more smoking only prolongs the comedown but does not make me noticeably "higher." I think that a couple of rips of just about any good dank will get high enough to plateau. Anything over a few bowls is usually overkill and will only add to duration, give you a headache, or induce sleepiness.

    I have previously done the 1/2 sesh and the smoke all day 420s and what not and I really don't think I get any higher, I just get higher for a longer period if I continue to intake weed and sometimes the drowsiness kicks in with greater amounts of consumption.
  5. on my birthday i smoked from 12AM on january 29 to 5AM january 30th non-stop. i got higher and higher. :hippie:
  6. Because you wont get any higher, even if you keep smoking. :rolleyes:

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