Will we ever "know"?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by JesusC, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Simple question really:

    Do you think humans will ever find the answer to what, where, why, and how (as it relates to our existence)? Or will the mystery survive mankind?

    In other words, do you think we'll ever know what exactly it is we're a part of, where it came from, why its happening, and how it came to be?
  2. are you asking if the collective consciousness of mankind will know? no

    I believe one day some will know, and of course when you die the answer is presented to you, either by being out like under anesthesia for surgery or by entering a different realm, one day everyone will experience that sort of transition.
  3. everyone learns of our origins when we get to our after life, he'll tell us when it's our time =]

  4. Assuming of course that there is such a thing as an "afterlife".
  5. if there is, i think so,
  6. And a "he."
  7. the purpose of life is to seek the endless quest of seeking the purpose of life

  8. ..good point.

    If existence/consciousness are eternal (which they must be), and taking into consideration our deep connection with it and of it....one could also assume that many of the answers (if not all) we seek lie simply in our ability to think and utilize the power within our own minds, rather than through the studies of science and the beliefs/ideas provided through religion.
  9. I believe that almost anythings possible in time.

    Just think of all the biological scientific progress we have made in the last 100 years.

    "What is life, but an escape from death?"

    (let that one sit around in your noggin for a bit)
  10. I assume you think that synapses in the brain can fire once its dead?

    Our minds are ran off complex nerves and synapses and those are what create our thought processes, how can we think if our brain isn't running?

    Answer: We can't :eek:

    To the op: I don't think we will ever know. I do think that man will go extinct in the search. The belief in an afterlife has caused more wars than any other source.
  11. roach is right *****
  12. It is also possible that the Universe/existence/Consciousness are all one in the same....that they are all part of "mind".

    It is only when matter is put together in such a way (ie the brain) are we able to be essentially "plugged into" mind, to experience it, to recieve it, as well as to project it.

    "Mind" is a very strange thing because it has no boundries, even though it is seemingly bound to, or within the tissues of each individual brain.

    I guess what im trying to say is that maybe "mind" isnt created within the brain, but rather the brain allows us to connect with "mind", which exists externally from our individual bodies/brains.

    If mind is external and we are connected to it through our ability to recieve it, then in theory we could learn the answers by simply exploring "mind" itself.

    .....of course I could be completely crazy......but hey, its fun to dive deep once in a while.:smoking:
  13. In time, I am sure we'll know all there is to know about the how. Thing is, there might not be an answer to why, since there may very well be no why. Just how.

  14. You're assuming I believe our brain = our soul.

    i do not.

    however, good point on the logical point of the function of our brain. I guess if our soul has no muscle memory, no we'll never really know.

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