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Recipe will this weed oil recipe work? ovenless stoner needs help

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by mugshotpic, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. hello folks, seeking your expertise after a failed attempt at edibles. Trying a new recipe, aiming for better control with a thermometer:


    • Ground up 4g of cannabis inside a mason jar with scissors.

    • Sealed with a lid featuring a hole to put thermometer sensor inside the jar .

    • Placed the jar in a pot, filled with water covering 1/3 of the jar.

    • Let it sit for 90 mins at 200-210°F (alarm set at 215°F).

    • Combine 4g of cannabis with 115g (4 oz) coconut oil + 4 oz water.

    • Simmer coconut oil until foamy, remove white foam.

    • Add ground flowers, simmer every 15 mins for 3 hours at 180-200°F (alarm set at 205°F).

    • Place a filter cloth on a pan, pour the mixture.

    • Rinse with hot water, squeeze cloth for maximum extraction.

    • Refrigerate for 3 hours.
    any tweaks needed? appreciate your input!
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  2. How many servings did you get? I'm thinking ball park that is ~800 mg. This estimates 20% THC and does not account for losses straining. That's 200 mg/ounce or ~6.5 mg/gram. This would be a weak oil for me.
  3. decarbox- u- late ....No?
  4. They did decarb. Do you think that is the problem?


    Ground up 4g of cannabis inside a mason jar with scissors.

    Sealed with a lid featuring a hole to put thermometer sensor inside the jar .

    Placed the jar in a pot, filled with water covering 1/3 of the jar.

    Let it sit for 90 mins at 200-210°F (alarm set at 215°F)."
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. @mugshotpic Curious, why add 4 oz of water? Lecithin will give it more bang for the buck.
    • Like Like x 1

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