will this timer work??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by xMLGx 2Fad3d, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. It will work for you but you will need 2 of them, one for veg time and the other for flower. That is unless you are growing these straight through, therefore not needing two separate grow area's. One other thought is a personal preference of mine and not sure if this applies to cfl's, the mechanical timers have seemed to have always burnt out on me, something to do with the contact points not being able to handle the initial loads. Not an electrician but read something about this before somewhere. I have since changed over to digital timers and have had no problems and no faulty issues. Good luck with the cfl venture.
  2. thanks man im growing them straight through but how much do digital ones go for? do u have a link? thanks
  3. I would say anywhere between $15-50. I've paid as high as 35 for some of mine over the years. You could find them at Ace, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc. I got my last few at Ace, quite pleased with them.

    Here's what I have currently have.

    Woods Ind. 59377 7-Day Digital Heavy Duty Timer
  4. I've used a mechanical timer for years no problems. If it's heavy duty in the first place it should have no problems with the load from a few CFLs.
  5. you can get a digital timer at wal-mart for 12$. It is on a 2 prong outlet though so you will have to get an adaptor and then run a wire from the adaptors ground to a screw in a small peice of wood. This is how i use it anyways.

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