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Will This Make For The Perfect Cannabutter?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Hamachi12, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. So I'm really enjoying cooking with this stuff, and I want to make the most amazing batch of Cannabutter to add to new, cool, unique recipes. Here's my plan the next time I make the butter to make it perfect. Please critique, add or remove, whatever you must :)
    Grind weed very, very fine 
    Put weed in Oven for around 5-7 mins at 350 degrees (lowest the oven will go) 
    Double broil butter till it's melted, cut down heat to extremely low then add weed 
    Keep on low, temperature controlled for about an hour 
    Then I'll let it sit out to get room temperature for about 20 mins, then put it in the fridge (so it doesn't shock the chemicals inside) 
    I will use 2 sticks of butter, and 3/5 oz of weed. Organic, high quality butter (if I can, Amish Butter). 

  2. Sounds good.  Do you plan to strain the plant material from the butter?  The only things I would do differently would be to water cure the weed for a week to remove the strong grass taste, and cook with butter and water.  Have fun.

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