Will this hurt the plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by gre123123, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I am on 12/12, and during the dark period sometimes I turn the lights on for about 5-10 minutes in order to check out some things on the plants like sex and dryness because when i go to work at night, the "lights on" period is going..
    Will that hurt the light cycle?
  2. You cant do these things durring the lights on period? From what i've read you never want to interupt your dark period. I may be wrong, im only on my 3rd grow but i set my light scedule so i can do all my "work" durring lights on to avoid such problems.
  3. 5 or 10 min of light + 5 or 10 min of light + 5 or 10 min of light + 5 or 10 min of light + 5 or 10 min of light + 5 or 10 min of light = hermies
  4. Yes, it will hurt and a VERY good way to find out more than you ever want to know about hermies.

  5. Most growers on here are don't realize the natural elements a real plant endures. During nighttime a moon appears in the sky, sometimes its full. A bit of light no? I wouldn't recommend using a bright light and intense light. :smoke::smoke:
  6. hes right lol lol lol
  7. if you want loads of seeds this is great! But if you looking for quality sensi bud its not. lol.
  8. the moon is a reflection of the sun. it doesnt give off rays .ike the sun. the plants dont even know it is there.

    it needs to be light proof. turning on the light for 1 second will stress the plant. its like if you went to bed at 10 and usually get up at 7. do this everyday. then start to get up at 2 for a half hour then go back to sleep. it would totally blow. thats how the plants feel.
  9. YES. your gonna stress em an turn them into hermies if you keep doin that
  10. wrong...the light intensity is key...the moon appers bright because the night is dark...they have green flashlights that allow you to work during lights out but why would you need to.....here come the herms:smoke:
  11. ^This. Remember that we perceive light, we don't experience it directly the way plants do. The moon seems "bright" to us because of the contrast to the pitch-black sky, but actually it is giving off very little light.

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