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will this get me high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cocouktoker, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. I have a small amount of kief that I want to smoke since my birthday is in 20 mins will this get me high?

    Attached Files:

  2. doubtful.
  3. Gravity bong that shit in one rip you will be high
  4. I wouldn't count on it
  5. Hmm waiting for more replies hope it could work man
  6. if you use a vape or gravity bong
  7. Maybe you'll catch a buzz. But you won't get stoned. :/
  8. Hold that hit and go for a 10 second jog
  9. Find a friend who could bum you like .1 to .2. Kief tends to burn up too fast if you just smoke it by itself.

    Considering most bowls don't have as many trichomes as you have there you ought to get a decent high from that if you don't pull it through the bowl.
  10. Maybe a buzz
  11. [quote name='"Shpongle"']Find a friend who could bum you like .1 to .2. Kief tends to burn up too fast if you just smoke it by itself.

    Considering most bowls don't have as many trichomes as you have there you ought to get a decent high from that if you don't pull it through the bowl.[/quote]

    I could put a little ball of rolling paper to put in the bowl before the keif?
  12. nah man, i dont think so. at least it wont get you as high as you should be for your birthday hahah. good luck though, and happy birthday!
  13. Happy birthday dude
  14. theres really is only one way to find out
  15. Of course, MGS takes you to another world.
  16. If youre a regular smoke it would have to be super dank and then youd be high for an hour max, if youre not a regular smoker pack a bowl and get high.
  17. scrape for rez, put it in the bowl, put the kief on top, corner the fuck outta that shit. hold your hits in for a full 5 seconds.

    that process for a few hits out of a gravity bong and you may actually get high, depending on your tolerance. make sure you dont pull that kief through the GB though. use a screen or something non flammable.

    happy birthday
  18. That keif?hmm hard to tell from the pic, I thought it was just a small bit of weed.if its keif that yea.
  19. Thank you for the happy birthday messages good people of grass city :)
    I shall try to scrape even more kief then I will report back with my findings!

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