hey guys i bought these lights just for outdoor use a while ago and it just clciked in that i can probably use these to grow a plant... if i put my hand near the light i can feel the warmth and they are pretty damn bright.... if these are good to grow with then i can jus disassemble the lights from the stand and put them in a closet with the plants i no most people use hps lights but wut does hps stand for? is it just a halogen light?
I was told that these ran too hot for use indoor, they are "2 500W halogen outdoor security lights" - i'm going with CFL's myself, they are like 15/4 of the "good" ones at home depot
Stay away from halogen lamps! Too much heat, too little light mostly in the wrong spectrum too. You'd be better of with allmost any type fluro's for sure.
your best bet is too get 2 150 watt reflectors from home depot and get 2 85 watt bulbs from if you gonna flower with cfl's double your wattage if not get a 400 wattHps but remember to get a vortex blower and carbon filter for odor hope this helps