will smoking weed make my apartment permently smell like smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by Zilla!, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Okay guys this is the deal..

    I just moved into a new apartment, and I'd love to be able to chill out on my couch, smoke, and watch a movie or something. I live by myself, so I'm not afraid of getting caught and what not. I just want to know if it will make my apartment permanently smell like smoke, such as cigarettes do. I also smoke cigs, but I take that outside as to avoid a lingering odor. I don't care if it smells for a little while, as long as doing it consistently doesnt make me lose my security deposit at the end of the year, lol.

    thanks guys! happy toking.
  2. If you smoke all day everyday and never clean yeah. But if you're vacuuming everyday. Cleaning everything everyday. Lighting candles using air spray than nah. It'll only smell for a bit. If you're too worried about the smell you can smoke only in one bedroom. And only occasionally in the main part. Oh but if you smoke lots of blunts yeah it'll smell.
  3. not unless your smoking blunts. tobacco smell stays WAY longer than weed smell
  4. Get a nice vape, almost smell-free, perfect thing to sit in your new living room
  5. Like said above, blunts are more smelly than anything else. If you smoke a pipe/bong. I doubt residual smell will ever be an issue. I've smoked a ton in my apartments and the place never smelled of anything when I moved out.
  6. I smoked blunts on a nearly daily basis in my old apartment and when we moved out after cleaning everything there was no trace of smoke smell in the apartment.
  7. nah itl smell like roses
  8. It's not likely. Weed smell dissipates pretty quickly in my opinion.
  9. My mom has gone away for 2 weeks before, I've smoked all around my house with my friends and shit, along with my brother smoking with him and his friends and all we did is stop smoking downstairs the night before and chilled in my room. No smell downstairs the next day. It dissipates pretty quick.
  10. Smoking is the last thing I'd do in an apartment unless I was on the top floor.

    Better put a towel under the door and hope nobody starts pounding on your door to either bust you, evict you and wants to blaze.

    If you don't want to get caught and booten out go into the bathroom with the vent on.
  11. Oh and you should keep your windows open as much as possible if you plan on smoking in there a lot. Stale smoke starts to smell like cat piss after awhile in my opinion..it's rather unpleasant.
  12. Nah it shouldn't man. I live in a small apartment and smoke a lot. Your stuff might pick up a little smell but at most it takes a day to clear the smell. Usually if I smoke a lot before I get called to work it'll be gone by the time I get back.
  13. Always good to Febreeze when you're done, but most important is opening windows, and running fans. just air that shit out.
  14. Joints and Blunt over some time could have a lingering smell for awhile. As long as you aren't a super super dirty person who clean everything should be fine. I smoke in my appt and within a hour or 2 you cannot smell it anymore.

    Cigs are a different story, never ever smoke them inside.
  15. Clean your house, dust, windex, the whole bit and you'll be fine homie, I had the sheriffs office knock on my door with 3 5ths, a half, my bong, my pipes, my scales, everything out and just finished a bleezy. And they didn't suspect shit.
  16. your perfectly fine just spray some febreeze..just dont spill bong water on the carpets repeatedly lol XD

    smoking in the bathroom would be fuckin comedy since you live alone ahhaha even putting something under the door is a bit much. The only thing I do is shut my windows lol
  17. thanks for the speedy replies guys! I'm going to go grab some febreeze, haha.

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