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Will she survive?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NewbieGrowerBuck, May 30, 2019.

  1. I have about a two week old seedling outside with a few others. Of course the storms have to be a least once a week I my area when they're fragile. One of my babies leaves kinda just snapped off and it doesn't look like new leaves are even starting to appear. Also I know it's over watered I'm just waiting for the rain to stop

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  2. It looks like it might have some nute burn going on? Also over watered. Can you move it back inside for a week or two?
  3. There's no way the setup I had it ghetto as fuck and moving it is really difficult. My other plants look relatively fine and I did the same thing
  4. Ok, maybe a milk jug covering it for a while might help against the weather then. Just make sure it can't blow off or damage her.

    Have you been feeding nutes of any kind?
  5. No no nutes. I will try the gallen tho
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