Will My Plant Get Much Bigger

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by IAmSpacedOut, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. #1 IAmSpacedOut, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2011
    So i was wondering if it will get much bigger it started to show sex about a week ago.

    Its about 2 foot tall. i hope to finish around mid October.

    Its bag seed but looks Indica dominant


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  2. Most plants double in size when flowering some even tripple, so yes it will get bigger. You growing outside? How long did you veg for?

    Looks good Bro!
  3. yup its outdoors i actully started it in april but it was in a pot noodle tub until the begining of june and was only about 8" tall and really root bound ill get a picture of it uploaded in a min i had just sort of lost interest but not any more, now its in a 10 gallen bucket with half horse shit half compost and have been feeding it nettle tea every 3 weeks , my plan now is to top dress it with bone meal and potash
  4. #4 IAmSpacedOut, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2011
    this was it after 1 and a half months of being in a pot noodle tub :eek:

    i think i transplanted it just in time

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  5. dunno, mine was about that size then it absolutely exploded over the last couple months...

    preflowering now...


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  6. very nice did you top yours

  7. yeah twice total, the last time was about 2 weeks ago before it showed preflowers, this late, i dont think you should, you may just lose yield, especially if it's alread showing..

    you COULD though, tie it down, try to get all the tops at equal heights, the plant will try to make them all main colas instead of just makin one and a bunch of smaller tops..

  8. Yeah I think i will tie down the lower branches like you said to hopfully maximise yield.

    what does yours smell like out of curiosity?, mine smells like beer like corona or something similar lol
  9. Can I add a thought here?

    Your plant is showing slow growth for your soil is packed hard. This is why growers add Perlite to the soil mix. Both you guy have soil that looks packed hard. This is packing your roots and not giving them any air to breath and do there thing right.

    When you dump say half gallon of water in your pot all at the same time. How long does it take for the water to drian below the soil line?

    Perlite will make your soil like a sponge. MJ like spongy loamy soil.

    At this point I would till the first few inches of your soil. This may get a little air to your roots. Basically your roots are just packed and no place to go. Your plant will grow but just show slow growth.

    Hope this hels friend.

  10. this is good advice, thanks :)

    i try to aerate the top of my soil ever so often, really does make a difference.. i added some topsoil the other day too, the plants almost buried to it's first branch, i did this because i noticed there were some little roots trying to protrude from the lower stalk... dunno why, figured i should cover them with dirt
  11. Thanks for the advice :) next time i grow ill get some perlite

  12. wow, thats a crazy smell!

    mine smells like lemony goodness with a strong overtone of skunk... it's getting to where i can smell it just standing near the plant!

  13. mmmm that sounds lovely i would love to smell that at full flower it would be awesome you would just want to bite the head off her lol

    do you know what strain she is btw?

  14. nah, no idea, came from a bag of some badass chronic i picked up..

    when it was younger it was making satava ish leafs, big 7 and 9 blade leafs, now it's making 5 blades and more "star" shaped, making me think it's a hybrid... no idea on strain though :)

    i have a few GDP non-autos going too, staying real small though (around 2 feet) , same age.. we'll see what they do.. that plant so far is my fav though, it's so "tropical" looking

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