Will my clone grow any bigger? When to cut clones?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by drugfullvibes, May 23, 2016.

  1. Thank you for reading!

    Basically, I cut a clone from a female about a month+half before I put it into flowering. A month later, it seems like it's definitely grown a few leaf-sets, but, does not seem like it's really growing much anymore?

    I could just be impatient, but, I am curious as to know when is the best time to cut a clone, and why is it that my clone seems to be already flowering despite not putting it on a 12/12 lighting schedule. The pistils are full, and it seems like it's finished growing. What are your thoughts? Should I just throw her into flowering mode, or is it indeed still vegging?

    Images attached for reference.

    Day 1

    Day 45

    20160523_081141.jpg 20160523_081133.jpg
  2. After you cut the clone you need to root it then treat it just like it is a seedling after that. Put it straight to vegging again after it's rooted and don't flower it until it's 1/3 to 1/2 the size you want it when it's done. You cut it at the right time it shouldn't have flowered unless a mistake was made on the light. the pot looks tiny, clones should be potted up just like seedling, basically once they're rooted they're new vegging plants. As for what to do that's a personal call but it doesn't look like it's going to produce much now. If you can revert it back to veg you might get it to monster out and become huge. Either way, good luck. :smoke:
  3. Thanks for your help!! Appreciate that!

    As for it flowering, I am not sure why, but it did that its self... It's on the same lighting schedule it was on since seedling... Strangely, all of my plants always auto-flower and idk why. How do I revert it back? Just simply leave the light-schedule 18/6?
  4. I've found 24/0 light schedule works best when trying to force a flowered plant back into veg.
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  5. Oh yeah?? Ok thanks so much I will try that!

    Ok so will the pistils just disappear? How do I know it's back in veg fully?

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