I'm growing these seedlings outside on a table. It's been 2 weeks since they sprouted. Today a fucking curious pigeon knocked 2 of my pots off the table. About 2 mins after replanting, their 2nd pair of alternating leaves started curling up and wilting at the tips. I gave them a very light dose of organic root booster in hope that it will help them with the shock. It seems to have helped a tiny bit, but I'm not sure if they'll recover or if they're just gona straight out die. Will my babies survive? Here are some pics. Apologies for the crappy cam!
hey its kinda hard to say, i think they should be ok going from the pics, & if their not getting worse, but really only time will tell, they may just seem like their not growing for a few days from shock etc, then start to grow again hope they do ok!! ps in the future you could put a net of some sort over them just for some protection from birds, bit like what they put over ponds, it works well for my buddy
It's now a day later and they seem to be perking up. The areas where they wilted are totally dried out with little orange spots though. Is that anything to be concerned about? I'm gona go buy some netting today fr sure!
K all seems fine, but now the seedlings are yellowing slightly. It doesn't look unhealthy, but i wouldn't know, since this is my first grow. Is it a nutrient problem?
What kind of soil do you have them in? How often do you feed/water? The first photo is showing a phosphorous deficiency as it would be expressed during vegetative growth (necrotic lesions on the tips and edges of leaves). Typically the reason for this lock up besides pH issues (below 6.0 and above 7.5 phosphorous uptake is cut-off, among other nutrients) is *wet and rather compact soil*. In the photos your soil looks a little dense. If perlite isn't 40% of your mixture already you may want to consider that to improve drainage which is always beneficial and makes life easy down the road. Otherwise you will fall victim to rot =/ Good luck! Peace.
what kind of soil are you using? adding more nutes will damage your plant even more, since it looks like nute-burn to me I suggest flushing, seedlings dont need nutes for the 1st 2 weeks anyway...so why are you adding stuff ontop of it?
oookey, so i flushed the pots 3x their volume. runoff pH is now about 6.8. Zero nutrients, 40% perlite. The soil is a no name non nuted organic medium that i bought at the local hardware store. unfortionately everything is different here in south africa, so I had to choose what i considered to be the closest fit to the recommended mediums i've read about on the forum. The new leaves look very healthy and the ones that had the necrotic lesions or w/e didn't get any worse and seem to be fine otherwise! The plants are now 16 days old, when do i know to start feeding them nutes? I'll apologize to them for giving them nutes too early I know its recommended that u use nutes with equal NPK values for veging such as 20-20-20, but i can't find anything like that, except for 7-7-7. When I start feeding, will that be good enough? I'm not going for monster plants here, I just want some diecent bud. On a side note, I'm starting to see what looks like pistils forming at the nodes, or am I judging this way too quickly?