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Will ice break my glass bubbler?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by insaini, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I'm pretty new to smoking. I have a mini bubbler, which I love, but the smoke seems to be really harsh (I'm thinking it's because it's really hot).

    Hence, I'm looking for ways to cool down the smoke before I inhale it.

    -I use room temperature water
    -I pack nice, tight bowls.
    -I get pretty huge rips when I take a hit.

    So will ice break my bubbler? I only ask this because the ice is really cold and the smoke will be really hot...and when hot and cold meet in glass bad things happen.

    If it will break my prized possession, what other ways can I cool down the smoke and make my hits less harsh?
  2. I find the smoke is smoother when I use ice water rather than actual ice, but back to your original question:
    No, cold water or ice will not cause your glass to shatter, the smoke is not hot enough to cause your glass to react in that way.
  3. Ice wont break your piece unless it don't fit and you make it fit.
    Also use Cold Water instead Room Temp. Water.

  4. this!!
    The only problem with filling it with more water us that if you pull too hard you'll get some splashback. Don't pull too hard, and pack slightly smaller bowls.
    And get some Beeline. What it is, is an organic hemp wick(like string) covered with organic beeswax. You light it with a lighter then use that flame to light your bowl. Doing this avoids inhaling nasty tasting, unhealthy and harsh chemicals from lighter fluid and rare earth metal dust.
    At first you may not notice a difference, but after a week of using only Beeline, then using a regular lighter you will see a huge difference it makes.

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